See the longest lunar eclipse of this century


From Country Living

There have been some spectacular lunar and solar eclipses in recent years, and next month brings another show for astronomers.

The next lunar eclipse will occur on July 27, 2018. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon pbades through the shadow of the Earth, at which point it takes on a reddish hue, which is why Eclipse is colloquially called "blood moon". You will not want to miss this eclipse, as it will be the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century, lasting one hour and 43 minutes.

The total eclipse will take place from 19:30. UTC (3:30 pm) until 9:13 pm. UTC (Eastern 17:13). The moon will be partially eclipsed for about an hour before and after the total eclipse, and the maximum eclipse will occur at 8:22 pm. UTC (4:22 pm Eastern).

I can not wait for this event next month – total lunar eclipse on July 27th. The #Moon pupil during the complete eclipse of the United Kingdom, but this could give astonishing views of a red moon rising in a sky tinged with opposite sunset colors. The last total lunar eclipse of the United Kingdom was Sep 2015:

– Steve Brown (@sjb_astro) June 20, 2018


The eclipse will be completely visible on East Africa and Central Asia, and will be partially seen on West Africa, East Asia, America. South, Europe and Australia

<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = " text "content =" As an added bonus, Mars will also appear particularly large and bright in the sky that night as it gets closer to its closest approach to the Earth in 15 years, meaning more observers. eclipse may be able to catch a great view of the red planet next to the blood moon.
"data-reactid =" 29 "> As a bonus, Mars will also appear particularly large and brilliant in the sky this night-l . towards its closest approach to Earth in 15 years, which means that eclipse observers may be able to catch a great view of the red planet next to the blood moon.

Over the next six years ks, Mars will be closer to the land than it has been in 15 years! Take a look at the July night sky and enjoy a great view of the 35.8 million miles that separate you.
via @businessinsider

– Mars One (@MarsOneProject) Jun 18, 2018

Astronomers from North America and the # Arctic will not be able to see the moon of blood in the sky, but there will be a lot of online coverage. The Virtual Telescope project will start a livestream at 18:30. UTC (2:30 pm Eastern) and will begin broadcasting at 6:00 pm. UTC (14:00 Eastern).

The next total lunar eclipse that will be visible from the United States will only be in seven months, January 20, 2019.

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