Save the coral reefs in the style of Belize


COLLECTIVE action is needed to preserve Bahrain's coral reefs in the same way as Belize, a Caribbean nation that is home to parts of the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere.

Bahrain Authority for Culture Authority (BACA) Director of Antiquities and Museums, Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, believes that Bahrain could learn a valuable lesson from Belize, which has managed to save its system of coral reefs the List of World Heritage in Danger. The Committee stated that the decision was justified in view of the safeguard measures taken by the country, including the introduction of a moratorium on oil exploration throughout the country, which has hosted its 42nd session in Manama. its maritime zone and the reinforcement of the forest regulations allowing a better protection of the mangroves.

The GDN r The Supreme Council for the Environment, in collaboration with Baca and other entities, developed a detailed plan to regulate fishing activities as part of the efforts protection of the Tubli Bay, Dohat Arad, Mashtan Islands, Hawar Islands and Bulthama Reef sites. and the North Marine Reserves covering Najwat Bulthamat and Hayr's pearl oyster beds.

"Many successful conservation efforts are the result of collective efforts that include governmental and non-governmental agencies," Shaikh Khalifa told the GDN. "The case of Belize was something we were very proud to announce here – to remove the site from the list of World Heritage properties in jeopardy." 19659002 "The State Party of Belize has demonstrated its ability, with proper management and legislation, to protect the outstanding universal value of coral reefs.

" As stated by the World Heritage Center, a Thirty of these coral reefs are on the World Heritage List, which testifies to the importance of having this representation of such an important convention, which aims first and foremost to preserve and preserve such sites. in the whole world.

"We certainly have a lesson to learn from Belize, which is the power of collective action, we can put into action to preserve our coral reefs as well."

With its size, the barrier Belize's coral reef is second only to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and is a popular tourist attraction. The coral reef itself extends for 300 km and is part of the Mesoamerican reef system, the largest in the Western Hemisphere, 900 km long.

Belize Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber told GDN that Bahrain should learn from the mistakes of his country and work to preserve its coral reefs for future generations. "In Belize, because of tourism, we were a bit negligent in terms of preservation – we were more eager to make sure we had" My first word of advice in Bahrain, which is home to beautiful and precious coral reefs, is the following : not to go for something that benefits in the short term but to look at what we can preserve in the longer term, for the benefit of our future generations.

"Then you have to listen to the people who are concerned, which is the next big lesson that we as the government has learned.

" There are entities that represent a broader perspective of the world and when you have reefs in your marine system, it is not only your responsibility to preserve them and protect them for your country. must do for the rest of the world.

"We must play this role, which is expected of us at the global level."

The reserve was inscribed on the "endangered" list in 2009 due to the destruction of mangroves and marine ecosystems, offshore oil extraction and the development of unsustainable construction projects.

During the session, a young environmentalist from Belize, Madison Edwards, aged 12, thanked the "

" I am so happy to have our reef barriers on the Heritage List and I am safe, "she added.

The CPM session, which ended Wednesday, brought together around 2000 experts. from around the world and was held under the patronage of His Majesty King Hamad at the Ritz-Carlton of Bahrain.

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