Last year, the United States was treated to a breathtaking event in the form of a total solar eclipse that traveled from one side of the country to the other, but this Friday, much of the rest of the world will see something that will be totally lost to anyone in North America. The longest total lunar eclipse of the century will take place on Friday night, and most of the rest of the world will have the opportunity to glimpse it.
The complete eclipse will begin around 9:13 pm. UTC, which is just 17:13 EST, making it impossible to see anywhere in the United States, Canada, Central America or Greenland.
Anyone in West Africa, the Middle East and much of East Asia beginning of the penumbral eclipse throughout the year. complete eclipse and decreasing minutes as well. Parts of Europe, East Africa, Australia and South America will see different phases of the eclipse, but will miss a part of the penumbral phase, partial or total.
There is always a way to see the eclipse happen live. The "Time And Date" site, which keeps track of all major and minor celestial events observable here on Earth, will host a live stream for amateur sky watchers around the world to enjoy the eclipse in time. real. The beginning will begin shortly before the beginning of the penumbral phase of the eclipse and will extend until its end.
On Twitter and Instagram, eclipse watchers can tag their eclipse photos with the hashtag #timeanddatelive so that others can browse them more easily. This is the longest lunar eclipse of the century, so you can be sure that there will be a lot of people with lenses pointing to the sky.
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