Boston marks first-ever Indigenous Peoples Day – Boston News, Weather, Sports


BOSTON (WHDH) – Boston celebrated its first-ever Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday.

It comes after Boston Mayor Kim Janey signed an executive order last Wednesday approving the statutory holiday change from Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day.

Janey said the city of Boston is committed to recognizing Indigenous history, celebrating cultures, strengthening relationships and increasing dialogue with local tribes to foster support for the rights of Indigenous peoples.

“Indigenous Peoples Day celebrates the rich cultural heritage of our Indigenous communities while declaring that Boston is ready to work with our neighbors to create a more just future,” Janey wrote in a statement. “With Boston’s long history comes an opportunity and an obligation to recognize the difficult parts of our past and to dedicate ourselves to promoting a more equitable city. Observing Indigenous Peoples Day is about replacing the colonial myths passed down from generation to generation with the true history of the land on which our nation was founded.

Native Americans held a rally on Saturday at Boston Common to call on Governor Charlie Baker to make Indigenous Peoples Day a statewide holiday.

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