Breathing smoke from a forest fire can affect the brain and semen, as well as the lungs


<classe étendue="légende">A runner wears a respirator on a smoky day in Portland, Oregon in 2020.</span> <span class="attribution"><une classe="lien rapid-noclick-resp" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" cible="_Vide" data-ylk="slk:Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images">Robyn Beck / AFP via Getty Images</a></span>“Src =”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTQ1OC43Mzk1ODMzMzMzMzMz/–~ B / aD05Mzc7dz0xNDQwO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u / https: // “data-src =”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTcwNTtoPTQ1OC43Mzk1ODMzMzMzMzMz/https : //–~B/aD05Mzc7dz0xNDQwO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/https: // / 96ba6bd96ba96ba / sb6b8bd96ba96</div>
<p>Wildfires that burn in the western United States send smoke into communities far from the fires themselves, creating dangerous air for days or weeks at a time.  A lot of people wonder: what does breathing all this smoke do to our body?</p>
<p>Smoke from wildfires is a mixture of chemicals and tiny particles small enough to escape the body’s defenses and directly affect the lungs.  But the damage may not end there.</p>
<p>As environmental toxicologists, we’ve investigated the health effects of smoke from wildfires on humans, including parts of the body you might not expect: semen and the brain.</p>
<p>Given the large number of people who now breathe smoke from wildfires each summer – a number that is likely to increase as wildfire conditions worsen in a warming world – it is important to understand how smoke from forest fires can harm your body and how to protect yourself.</p>
<figure class=
Wildfire smoke map showing the thickest smoke in large parts of California, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, and Washington

Wildfire smoke map showing the thickest smoke in large parts of California, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, and Washington

Pollution can alter the genetic material of semen

Urban air pollution, which has a slightly different chemical profile than smoke from forest fires, has previously been linked to harmful effects on the male reproductive system. Studies have shown how air pollution produced by sources such as industrial chimneys and automobile exhaust can affect the shape of sperm, their ability to swim, and the genetic material they carry. However, few studies have examined smoke from forest fires as an independent source of toxicity.

A recent study found that baby rats born to parents who had been exposed to wood smoke could end up with behavioral and cognitive problems. This prompted our team at Boise State University, working with researchers at Northeastern University, to take a closer look at what happens to sperm of mice exposed to smoke from wildfires.

Our goal was to look for small changes at the cellular level that could show us how the negative effects could be passed on from parents to the next generation. Mice aren’t humans, of course, but the damage to their systems can provide clues to potential damage to ours.

An older man with a cane crosses an empty road in smoky conditions.

We simulated a forest fire in the laboratory by burning Douglas fir needles and chose an amount of smoke exposure similar to what a forest firefighter with 15 years of service would experience. We found that this exposure in a mouse resulted in changes in sperm DNA methylation. DNA methylation is a biological mechanism that can regulate the way a gene is expressed, much like a dimmer on a light bulb. Environmental factors can influence DNA methylation, and it can be harmful if it occurs at the wrong time of life or at the wrong gene.

We were surprised to find that the effects of wood smoke were similar to the effects of exposure to cigarette and cannabis smoke on semen. Much more work is still needed to understand if and how these changes in sperm affect the offspring they create, and what the effect is in humans. Studying populations exposed to extreme levels of smoke exposure, such as wildland firefighters, would help answer these questions. However, very little data currently exists for long-term exposure surveillance and monitoring of the health of this group of workers.

Links to Alzheimer’s disease and other ways smoke affects the brain

Exposure to wood smoke has also been linked to poor brain health, including conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. There is some evidence to suggest that wood smoke exacerbates symptoms of cognitive decline such as loss of memory or motor skills.

In a recent review article in the journal Epigenetics Insights, we described the latest research showing how smoke particles from wildfires or inflammatory signals released by the immune system after exposure could reach the brain and contribute to these problems. health.

One possibility is that very small particles are inhaled into the lungs, escape into the bloodstream, and travel to the brain. A second possibility is that the particles remain in the lungs but generate inflammatory signals that travel through the blood to the brain. Finally, the evidence suggests that the particles may not need to travel to the lungs at all, but could instead reach the brain directly from the nose by following nerve bundles.

Illustration showing PM2.5 compared to the width of a human hair.

Illustration showing PM2.5 compared to the width of a human hair.

DNA methylation changes are especially crucial in areas of the brain like the hippocampus that are involved in learning and memory. If environmental exposures alter DNA methylation, it may help explain why Alzheimer’s disease can only affect one identical twin even though their genetic code is exactly the same.

What can you do to stay safe?

The potential impact of breathing smoke from a wildfire on the lungs alone should be of enough concern that people think twice about their level of exposure. Now we see the potential for additional risks, including for the sperm and the brain. Other research suggests links between smoke from wildfires and heart inflammation and the risk of preterm birth.

Read more: What is in the smoke from forest fires? Toxicologist Explains Health Risks And What Masks Can Help

So what can you do to reduce your health risk during wildfire season?

Start by staying alert for forest fire smoke warnings. The Environmental Protection Agency and companies like PurpleAir have robust air monitoring networks with interactive maps that can show you how bad or good the air quality is in your area. You can also find cheap air quality monitors.

In your home, regularly change the filter on your furnace and air conditioner and make sure it is the right size. Portable HEPA air purification units in rooms where you spend the most time can also help.

Face masks can be a great tool when used correctly. A mask labeled N-95 or higher is designed to filter out 95% or more of harmful particles that penetrate deep into the lungs, but only if they are properly fitted. While sheet masks can help stop the spread of COVID-19, they do not filter smoke particles from wildfires well. This is partly because they don’t seal well on the face and because the material is not designed to capture dangerously small smoke particles.

As the planet warms and the West continues to dry, smoke from wildfires is likely to become a common feature of the summer. It is important to understand the health risks so that you can protect yourself.

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This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts. It was written by: Luke Montrose, Boise State University and Adam Schuller, Boise State University.

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Luke Montrose receives Technology Access Award funding provided by the Data Science Core of the Idaho INBRE Program under NIH / NIGMS Grant # P20GM103408 and the Boise State COBRE Program in Matrix Biology through the NIH Grant / NIGMS # P20GM109095.

Adam Schuller receives Technology Access Award funding provided by the Data Science Core of the Idaho INBRE Program under NIH / NIGMS Grant # P20GM103408 and the Boise State COBRE Program in Matrix Biology through the NIH Grant / NIGMS # P20GM109095.


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