California extends its quarantine while the United States faces the worst measles outbreak since 2000


Dr. Anthony Fauci:

Well, there are two things.

First, when you receive cases, they must be isolated and keep people separate from people who clearly have measles.

But to get back to the first order of the day, you need to make sure you are up to date with your vaccines. And that's the message we really want to convey to people. If you have a good documentation of your vaccination, all is well. If you were born before 1957 or if you are an older individual, it is likely that you have been infected with measles. You're okay.

If you are unsure about your vaccination status, then you need to do several things. If you are an adult, get vaccinated against measles, a single injection, because there is really no harm in doing so. You can also consult a doctor to find out if you are in the shelter.

But the bottom line, Judy, is simply to ensure that we vaccinate our children and, if you are an adult, check to see if you have received the full vaccine component.


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