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Your research team found a prehistoric virus preserved in the permafrost and isolated it for study. After a night of work, you close the lab when a sudden earthquake strikes and breaks all the sample vials. Will you be able to destroy the virus before the mouths open and release a deadly airborne plague? Lisa Winer shows how.
Lisa Winer lesson, hosted by Artrake Studio. .
Why would a deadly virus be contained in fragile grass containers?
isn't there a super computer that controls everything? couldn't you just destroy everything? #badplanning
I actually solved it
Thanks god the security system letted enter the entrance twice
too easy
I actually solved it YAY!!
you could also sacrifice yourself
Yay I did it
the only riddle i actually solved
Make more bridge riddles and virus riddle
4:45 Oh, I see what you did there
technically, computers can solve NP problems just fine. The problem is that they can't necessarily find the solution to a large NP problem in a reasonable amount of time. You can use heuristics and clever tricks to reduce the computer's workload, but there's a theoretical limit we haven't figured out how to reduce the workload past. If you want a million dollars and a free turkey, figure out whether or not it's even possible to make a computer do NP-complete problems quickly and publish a proof.
Why not start and end on the first spot
D down r right l left u up
D d d r r r u l l u r r u l l l
This one was easy
What about exiting from the same room started, after completing the round??
Or instead of becoming a travelling salesman, the dude in the video should head straight for a doctor, to organise a biopsy or two on those conjoined scrotal additions to his head.
i got it!!!!!
it was easy
I remember doing this puzzle in science class. But instead, it was titled the "Case of the Homicidal Necrophobe". In an insane asylum, this girl with a very unique problem was being housed. She was a homicidal necrophobe. She'd have to kill anyone she saw but the was afraid of dead bodies. The start point was her room and the end point was where she was found after a security malfunction. She had killed everyone and was seen cowering in the corner of the endpoint because there were two dead bodies. One in each room adjacent to the end. The goal of the puzzle was to find the 8 paths she could have taken so that new security measures could be installed.
just sacrifice yourself
this one seemed really easy, i did a C shape using both of the uncontaminated room doors to start and end
It is still impossible since you have to enter the entrance.
this was one of the easy ones for me, unlike other riddles you've posted. it all comes down to what your brain is better at, patterns, mathematical solving etc.
pro security ?
You sound like your reading while laying down, and kinda tired.
Hey I actually got this one!
This was too easy…
Oh wow i actually got and thought it was gonna be wrong because i didnt want to think more on it and said screw it
the real answer at 3:52
I had a solution where you ended up at the entrance and either left via that door or waited until the lockdown ended and I could be rescued (didn't say anything about having to escape, just that all contaminated rooms needed to be destroyed and I had to survive).
Figured it out in three seconds. Thank you for the easy one, guys!
Huh… I actually had the right idea with this one. I knew the solution involved re-entering the entry room. If I had bothered to spend more time thinking about it, I probably would have figured it out.
That last line, though. Gold. XD
Easier solution:
abandon the lab, go collect a bunch of food and water, and go to your secret underground bunker while the rest of the world dies off. BOOM
Wow, finally one I solved by myself~
why cant you leave through the entrance tho
Room self destruct after you pull the lever, but why not just walk through a few or even just 1 without pulling the switch? No rule against that