Candace Ayers of Springfield, Illinois: In their mother’s obituary, family says her death from Covid-19 could have been prevented if people had been vaccinated


“I took my parents for that second jab, and we were all so excited,” said their son Marc. “We are a family that believes in science. We believe in masks and we believe in vaccines. We were ready to get back to normal.”

But her mother, Candace Ayers, died nearly six months later following a July trip with her husband to Mississippi. Her death certificate indicates that she died of Covid-19.

Candace Cay (Kruger) Ayers, 66, of Springfield, died on September 3, 2021 at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, IL. She was preceded in death by more than 4,531,799 other people infected with Covid -19. She was vaccinated but was infected by others who chose not to be. It cost her her life. “

Ayers believes her mother was infected when she visited Mississippi, a state with some of the lowest vaccination rates in the United States.

“All of this could have been avoided,” Ayers said. “It could have been avoided by a few acts of kindness. They were in a condition that had one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country. Getting vaccinated and wearing a mask for others … if that had been done. , she would be here today. “

Mississippi has fully vaccinated 42% of its total population according to the state’s health department, making it one of the least vaccinated states in the country.

Because Candace had an underlying illness, her family was reluctant to leave town.

“My mother had severe rheumatoid arthritis. We were always the most worried that she would get it because she was immunocompromised,” Ayers said. “We were wondering if they should have traveled. But things were going so well, and since they were fully vaccinated, we just didn’t think they were going to Mississippi. The Delta variant had just hit the radar. revolutionaries were rare at that time. Our worst nightmare has come true. ”

Groundbreaking cases occur when a fully vaccinated person becomes seriously ill or dies from Covid-19. Deaths among fully vaccinated people are rare, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Prevention and Control.

1 in 500 U.S. residents have died from Covid-19
Between early April and mid-July – during a game where the Delta variant was the dominant strain – fully vaccinated people accounted for 8% of all Covid-19 cases, 8% of hospitalizations and 9% of deaths, according to a CDC study published earlier this month.
And Candace was especially vulnerable because she was older and had an underlying health problem. About 70% of rupture cases leading to hospitalization were in adults 65 years and older and about 87% of rupture cases resulting in death were in adults 65 years and older, according to CDC data.
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Ayers described the family struggling to understand what happened and want to find a way to inspire others to get vaccinated and wear masks. He believes presenting the harsh reality of daily Covid-19 death figures around the world at the time of writing his obituary would give people pause.

“This was to illustrate that this is not just a problem limited to the United States, but that it has a global impact,” he said. “My mom was a fighter. She kept fighting and fighting and fighting. We wanted to send a point.”

According to Ayers, they received both positive and negative comments on the obituary.

“It was really wonderful to hear from friends and strangers regarding the obituary. Because of our history,” Ayers said, “people told us they were getting vaccinated.

“Of course there are negative comments too, but the majority have been positive.”

CNN’s Deidre McPhillips and Aya Elamroussi contributed to this report.


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