Cannabis as medicine



“I have suffered from menstrual migraines since I was 12 years old. When they happen you can see the muscles in my neck and back twist like golf balls, it’s like a vise on my temples. I cannot eat, I may not swallow with water or liquids, if I do I vomit, I cannot lie down, I cannot get up, I cannot sleep , sometimes I can’t even use the bathroom. Basically, I am unable to function as a human being for 24-72 hours. Every medicine that was prescribed to me either A) did nothing for the pain or B) had to be taken with food, which was impossible and unnecessary since I had just thrown it away all over again. When I smoke cannabis I get instant relief. “

“I can do things again, cook and eat a good meal, fall asleep, and I don’t yell at anyone touching me or turning on the lights. It has helped me more than any doctor because where I live it’s impossible to get medical marijuana unless you are completely terminally ill. But when the migraines hit me now, I don’t sob anymore as my partner feels unable to do anything, I don’t want to die just to get rid of the pain, and I go out the other side a lot better than when I was prescribed opioids. “



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