67 new cases of COVID-19 in Tuolumne County

[ad_1] Sonora, California – Tuolumne Public Health has identified 67 new cases today. Cases include no women and 8 men under 20, 9 women and 2 men in their 20s, 8 women and 5 men in their 30s, 4 women and 3 men in their 40s, 4 men and 2 women in their 50s , … Read more

Local COVID-19 cases hit another high before Thanksgiving | News

[ad_1] The County Health and Human Services Agency today confirmed 1,546 new cases of COVID-19, surpassing the previous record of 1,478 cases set last Friday. The continued surge in cases and hospitalizations pushes the county further into the state’s most restrictive purple level. New data released by the state on Tuesday shows the county’s adjusted … Read more

US reports more than 2,000 new deaths linked to Covid-19

[ad_1] CNN Admiral Brett Giroir, the White House coronavirus testing czar, today warned that as winter approaches, the United States faces a perilous moment in the pandemic, but he has pointed out that the worst outcomes could be avoided if Americans take the necessary precautions. The United States is at a “critical and very dangerous … Read more

Moderna coronavirus vaccine may NOT stop transmission, admits chief scientist | World | News

[ad_1] Moderna chief medical officer Tal Zaks said the drug company has no data to determine whether its vaccine is preventing people from spreading the deadly pathogen. In trials, the Moderna vaccine has been found to be 94.5% effective in stopping serious illnesses caused by coronavirus. Mr Zaks said people vaccinated could still carry and … Read more

After months of following COVID-19 guidelines, a family in Texas “let their guard down” for a day. All 12 got sick.

[ad_1] Alexa Aragonez said her family took pride in following COVID-19 precautions for months before a dozen of them gathered on November 1 for a “low-key” meeting. Now the family is warning others not to make the same mistake. Within days, all participants had tested positive, and soon three other family members fell ill as … Read more

Tuberculosis vaccine may reduce chances of catching coronavirus

[ad_1] A commonly used tuberculosis vaccine can help prevent coronavirus infections or reduce the severity of the virus, reports the Los Angeles Daily News. According to a new study from Cedars-Sinai, the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine, also known as the BCG vaccine, may play a role in reducing the chances of contracting the virus. The BCG … Read more

Almost All Navy Facilities Across The United States Are Increasing Their Level Of Health Protection Due To Covid-19

[ad_1] All facilities except the Naval Air Station at Fallon in the remote Nevada desert will institute stricter measures at the “Charlie” health protection level, just one notch below the more stringent level. While commanders can make detailed decisions about their bases, under so-called Charlie able schools, daycares and community activities can be canceled. It … Read more

Covid-19 vaccine: envoys from 100 countries will visit Pune | India News

[ad_1] PUNE: Ambassadors and envoys from 100 countries will visit the Serum Institute of India and Gennova Biopharmaceuticals Ltd here on December 4 amid the coronavirus outbreak and the vaccine race to fight the infection, a senior official said on Tuesday . Pune Divisional Commissioner Saurabh Rao said it was possible Prime Minister Narendra Modi … Read more