Several primary cancers can affect a patient

[ad_1] Noelle Johnson, 42, was diagnosed with her first cancer – a soft tissue sarcoma under her right arm – in 1999, when she was 21 years old. In 2013, his doctors discovered six different cancers within. In the years that followed, surgeons discovered and removed many masses considered "premalignant" from its ovary, uterus, leg, … Read more

The measles epidemic kills more than 1,200 people in Madagascar

[ad_1] The largest measles outbreak in the history of Madagascar has hit the island with more than 115,000 cases documented, according to a report Associated press report Sunday. More than 1,200 people have died from the disease in the past seven months. Only 58% of the population of the main island of Madagascar has been … Read more

Nobel laureate neuroscientist Paul Greengard dies at the age of 93

[ad_1] Paul Greengard, an American neuroscientist whose 15 years of research on brain cell communication has led to a better understanding of psychological illnesses and has earned him a Nobel Prize. He also used his $ 400,000 prize to create an academic prize in memory of his mother. , died Saturday in Manhattan. He was … Read more

Thaw of Siberian permafrost threatens to lift coal and prehistoric diseases

[ad_1] TNowadays, the locations of cattle graves are kept secret as they are closed to the public. "Why increase the phobia about these animal cemeteries?" Explained Kershengolts. According to a 2009 state report, more than one-third of Russia's 13,885 cemeteries did not meet health standards. When the permafrost thaws, the water crosses it more easily, … Read more