Polar regions communicate on climate change through fast atmospheric "text messages" and slower ocean "postcards"

[ad_1] A fast atmospheric channel and a slower ocean channel operate as a two-part climate connection between the North Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica, according to a new study published today in the United States. Nature. Together, these events caused rapid changes in climate during the last ice age – and could recur. "The North Atlantic … Read more

Party election officials are "inherently unfair" but should stay here: NPR

[ad_1] The then Georgian state secretary and Republican candidate for governor, Brian Kemp, attends an election night in Athens, Georgia. As Secretary of State, Kemp was responsible for overseeing election logistics for the elections in which he was running. Kevin C. Cox / Getty Images hide the legend activate the legend Kevin C. Cox / … Read more

Nintendo's new content guidelines make it easier for YouTube creators to get paid.

[ad_1] Nintendo eliminates some of its tough restrictions on how YouTube creators can monetize gameplay and live streaming content with a new set of guidelines for creators, announced Wednesday night. YouTube creators who want to monetize their content are no longer forced to join Nintendo's controversial Nintendo Partner Program. Those working under YouTube's partnership program … Read more

Unilever Selects Jope to Succeed Polman as CEO | Executive search

[ad_1] Unilever has appointed Alan Jope, personal care manager, to succeed Paul Polman as general manager. He chose a safe pair of hands to lead the consumer goods giant after a turbulent period. Jope, 54, represents continuity at the soap maker Dove and Ben & Jerry ice cream. He succeeds Polman, who is 62 years … Read more

Donald Trump's incomplete list of all the people he thinks should be in jail

[ad_1] Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump delivers a speech in Charlotte. (AP Photo / Evan Vucci, File) The prison infiltrates the minds of President Trump. On Twitter, during interviews, at campaign rallies, the president constantly talks about jail time or crimes punishable by time spent in a cramped cell. It's not that Trump focuses on … Read more

Bethesda Responds to "Fallout 76" Controversy Over Power Armor Edition

[ad_1] By Tanner Dedmon – November 28, 2018 (Photo: Bethesda) Bethesda responded to the controversy over Fallout 76 Power Armor special edition and apologized to a customer who contacted the Bethesda support team. Allegations of misleading advertising and deceptive promotions for the Power Armor edition of Fallout 76 began circulating Wednesday when a customer posted … Read more