Our solar system will totally disintegrate sooner than expected

[ad_1] Although the ground beneath our feet is solid and reassuring (most of the time), nothing in this Universe lasts forever. One day our Sun will die, ejecting much of its mass before its core shrinks into a white dwarf, gradually releasing heat until it is just a piece of cold, dark, dead rock, a … Read more

A lunar eclipse will occur on Sunday evening

[ad_1] The Skywatchers have something to look forward to from late Sunday night through Monday morning. A penumbra lunar eclipse will occur, but it can be difficult to see in some parts of the country. The eclipse will occur from the end of November 29 to the wee hours of November 30. NASA says the … Read more

The universe gets hotter and hotter as we age – here’s why

[ad_1] The cosmic web – ribbons of gas and dust connecting galaxies – are the largest structures in the Universe, and a new study shows they get hotter and hotter over time. Using a phenomenon known as the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, astronomers find that these ribbons are three times hotter than they were eight billion years … Read more

There is fabric on the space station that scientists use to “listen” to the impacts of space dust.

[ad_1] One of the biggest threats to the International Space Station (ISS) comes from impacts of micrometeoroids. A small hole in the wrong place can throw resident astronauts into a potentially fatal situation. Currently, there is no active program to monitor these types of impacts, although scientists believe they must be common given the ubiquity … Read more

Victoria home composting system is one of Time’s 100 best inventions

[ad_1] Victor Nicolov received a Christmas present early last week, when Time magazine named the Sepura home composting system as one of its 100 Inventions of the Year. Nicolov, managing director of Victoria-based Anvy Technologies, had his eye on the biggest prize to send the first shipment of his Sepura system at the start of … Read more

Japan to launch military and scientific optical data relay satellite

[ad_1] Japan to launch military and scientific optical data relay satellite – NASASpaceFlight.com We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.OkRead more [ad_2] Source link

Jupiter and Saturn will form a ‘double planet’ before Christmas

[ad_1] Jupiter and Saturn will align in December to create a seemingly “double planet” in the night sky – and this will happen just before Christmas. What’s going on? Popular Mechanics reports that Jupiter and Saturn will align for the first time in centuries. In fact, the two planets haven’t been so close since the … Read more