Measure temperatures similar to those of star collisions in the laboratory

[ad_1] Simulations of nuclear material in collisions leading to extreme conditions of density and temperature. Credit: The HADES collaboration. Collisions between neutron stars are fascinating cosmic events that lead to the formation of many chemical elements. Temperatures in these collisions are exponentially high, typically reaching hundreds of billions degrees Celsius. The HADES collaboration, a large … Read more

The recipe of nature is old, has evolved more than once

[ad_1] A fossil of Desmoceras. A cephalopod that flourished in the early Cretaceous 146 to 100 million years ago. Note the mother-of-pearl or fossilized fossilized mother-of-pearl. Credit: Pupa Gilbert In recent years, scientists have unveiled many of the secrets of biomineralization, the process by which sea urchins grow, molluscs build their shells and corals make … Read more

The future of the Earth written in Greenland to rapid melting | CKPG today | Prince George, Northern British Columbia

[ad_1] By Canadian Press August 20, 2019 HELHEIM GLACIER, Greenland – Greenland is where the refrigerator door of the Earth is left open, where glaciers are dwindling and the sea begins to rise. Scientists are working hard to try to understand the extremely rapid melting of ice, because the future of the planet is written … Read more

"We should already withdraw from the coast," suggests a scientist after the discovery of warm waters below Greenland

[ad_1] By Nicole Greenfield Kristan Porter grew up in a fishing family in Cutler, Maine, where all roads lead to a career: fishing. (Porter's father was the only exception to the family .He was suffering from a terrible seasickness and then became a carpenter.) The 49-year-old boy, who works on boats since he's a kid … Read more

A new way to deliver drugs with precise targeting

[ad_1] The diagram illustrates the structure of tiny bubbles, called liposomes, used to administer drugs. The blue spheres represent lipids, a kind of fat molecule, surrounding a central cavity containing magnetic nanoparticles (black) and the drug to be administered (in red). When the nanoparticles are heated, the drug can escape into the body. Credit: Massachusetts … Read more

Astrobotics quarrels with ULA and India arrives on the Moon: Astrobotics quarrels on the NASA lunar lander • The Register

[ad_1] Bring together As India arrived in lunar orbit this morning, bickering over who was going to lead NASA's next lander, Rocket Lab landed another hit and a Chinese satellite seemed to collapse. Rocket Lab: "Look at my mother, no hands" Rocket Lab continued its successful launches yesterday by sending four additional satellites into orbit … Read more

This strange and rocky planet does not have any atmosphere

[ad_1] A proximity, rocky exoplanet may be just an ordinary rock without atmosphere – supporting a theory that planets orbiting small stars are more likely to lack atmosphere. Astronomers using NASA Spitzer telescope observed the planet, named LHS 3844b, while looking for signs of an atmosphere. Instead, they found indications that the planet is a … Read more

Scientists discover interstellar iron in Antarctic snow | Astronomy, Geology

[ad_1] A team of researchers from Germany, Austria and Australia has discovered traces of the radioactive isotope iron 60, a true signature of a supernova explosion, in fresh snow in the Antarctic. Kohnen station in Antarctica. Image credit: Sepp Kipfstuhl. Iron-60 (60Fe) is a radioactive isotope of iron. It is produced from pre-existing stable iron … Read more

Scientists make a "big leap" in understanding earthquakes

[ad_1] (Newser) – Predicting earthquakes is almost impossible, but a new study is hailed as an important first step. Delivery: Large earthquakes are preceded by smaller ones, reports the Los Angeles Times. Researchers have used a new technique developed to detect "micro-tremors" that are undetectable, some of which have a magnitude of less than 2. … Read more