Fossils of Silurian sea cucumber found in the United Kingdom | Paleontology

[ad_1] An international team of paleontologists has discovered the remains of an extinct sea cucumber in deposits rich in 430 million year old fossils (Silurian period) in Herefordshire, UK. Reconstruction of Sollasina cthulhu. Image Credit: Elissa Martin, Invertebrate Paleontology Division, Yale Peabody Natural History Museum. The researchers named the new species Sollasina cthulhu because of … Read more

A historical image of Black Hole supposed to prove Einstein's theory of relativity

[ad_1] France Córdova, director of the National Science Foundation, said in a statement: "Black holes have sparked the imagination for decades. They have exotic properties and are mysterious to us. " In fact, mysterious black holes, called "monsters" by scientists, are not empty spaces, according to NASA. As Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity shows, … Read more

A 500px owner criticized for claiming copyright on Black Hole Image

[ad_1] Visual China's "Getty Images of China" group, which owns 500 pixels, sparked an uproar after trying to claim copyright on the world's first black hole image that is causing a sensation this week around the world. . After the groundbreaking Black Hole image was released on April 10th by the Horizon Telescope Collaboration Event … Read more

The adoption of electric vehicles improves the quality of the air and the climate outlook

[ad_1] An owner of an electric vehicle charges the car's battery. Credit: Karlis Dambrans If you've ever wondered how important adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is for the environment, a new study shows that switching would improve overall air quality and reduce carbon emissions. The Northwestern University study quantified the differences between air pollution generated … Read more

Trolls harass a scientist who helped photograph a black hole

[ad_1] It's so easy to be excited about Katie Bouman. She is a 29-year-old computer scientist whose joy at seeing a black hole for the first time was captured in a photo that warmed the hearts of the world. Bouman soon an associate professor at Caltech, led one of four teams tasked with turning data … Read more

The US segment of the International Space Station lost dozens of kilograms of methane

[ad_1] Technology 22:02 12.04.2019Get a short URL The purpose of the incident section was to test experimental technologies for methane refueling of space vehicles, using special techniques to conserve fuel in tanks for a period of time. long periods. The US Space Station's ISSM-3 module discharged several dozen kilograms of methane into space, Sputnik told … Read more

Artificial intelligence selects neurons faster than the human

[ad_1] Biomedical engineers at Duke University have developed an automated process that can trace the shape of active neurons as accurately as human researchers can, but in a fraction of the time. This new technique, based on the use of artificial intelligence to interpret video images, addresses a major obstacle in neural analysis, allowing researchers … Read more