Human Space Flight, Exploration and Spectrum of Jobs

[ad_1] NASA insists on the value of exploration for its manned space flight program, but the most important elements, such as SLS and Orion, are the jobs created. (credit: NASA / Aubrey Gemignani) by Roger HandbergMonday, March 25, 2019 Going on the Moon or on Mars is often explained as a wink to human desire … Read more

Physicists break the Bose-Einstein condensate and get different pieces each time

[ad_1] American, Austrian and Brazilian physicists have shown that shaking ultra-cold Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) can cause them to divide into uniform segments or break into unpredictable bursts, depending on the frequency of shaking. . "It is remarkable that the same quantum system can give rise to such different phenomena," said Rice University physicist Randy Hulet, … Read more

NASA cancels the release in the space reserved for women to overcome the lack of good size combinations

[ad_1] An all-female spacewalk was canceled by NASA due to the lack of proper size diving suits. NASA astronauts Anne McClain and Christina Koch were to participate in the first all-female spacewalk on March 29th. The space agency however announced on Tuesday that "partly because of the availability of the space suit on the station", … Read more

Physicists discover a new class of pentaquarks

[ad_1] Dipole magnets with large hadron collider. Credit: CERN Tomasz Skwarnicki, professor of physics at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University, has discovered new information about a class of particles called pentaquarks. His discoveries could lead to a new understanding of the structure of matter in the universe. Assisted by Liming Zhang, … Read more