NASA prepares for landing on Mars 2020

[ad_1] WASHINGTON – NASA’s Mars 2020 rover is on track for a landing next month that will seriously begin returning samples from the planet to Earth. The spacecraft, launched on July 30, is expected to land in Jezero Crater at 3:55 p.m. EST on February 18. It will surface the Perseverance rover, a vehicle similar … Read more

The Atlantic Ocean is widening. Here’s why.

[ad_1] The Atlantic Ocean is widening, pushing the Americas to one side and Europe and Africa to the other. But we don’t know exactly how. A new study suggests that deep beneath the earth’s crust, in a layer called the mantle, burning rocks rise and grow on tectonic plates – those rocky puzzle pieces that … Read more

Human Thumbs underwent a major upgrade 2 million years ago, sparking cultural revolution, study finds

[ad_1] Image showing the muscle model used to calculate the biomechanical efficiency of thumbs. Picture: Katerina Harvati, Alexandros Karakostis, Daniel Haeufle The human thumb is a marvel of evolution, allowing our ancestors to make stone tools and radically expand their food choices. New research suggests that our nimble, dexterous thumbs appeared 2 million years ago, … Read more

Goodbye to our unwanted space mini-moon. See you soon … in the sun – Seattle Times

[ad_1] Goodbye to our unwanted space mini-moon. See you soon … the sunSeattle Times The 1st private crew will visit the space station. The prize: $ 55 million eachNPR SpaceX Crew Dragon: the first 4 private citizens revealed for a trip to spaceReverse First private space crew flying to the International Space StationWMAR-2 News Space-traveling … Read more

Puppy prints and wall illusions found in 1,500-year-old house in Turkey

[ad_1] Archaeologists have discovered a fantastically-looking 1,500-year-old house in Turkey, decorated with illusory murals and terracotta tiles on the floor with prints of puppies and possible chicken decorations pressed onto it. The house may have been used by people involved in the military, the researchers noted. “The tiles have preserved the paw prints of puppies … Read more

NASA astronauts Victor Glover and Mike Hopkins take a spacewalk on Wednesday

[ad_1] It was the first spacewalk experience for Glover, who is just months away from his first space flight at the station. “What a beautiful sight,” Glover said after starting the spacewalk. This was the third spacewalk for Hopkins, who had previously completed two spacewalks during his first six-month space station adventure from September 25, … Read more

635 million-year-old mushroom-like microfossils that saved us from an ice age have been discovered

[ad_1] Microscopic image of filamentous mushroom-shaped microfossils. Credit: Andrew Czaja of the University of Cincinnati. When you think of mushrooms, what comes to your mind may be a crucial ingredient in a recipe or their incredible ability to break down dead organic matter into vital nutrients. But new research from Shuhai Xiao, professor of geosciences … Read more

Upward disruptions to agriculture and landscape threaten Paris climate agreement goals

[ad_1] Researchers from the UCI’s Department of Earth System Sciences have completed the most comprehensive inventory to date of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and other land use practices. They found plenty of mitigation opportunities around the world, but also learned that the “status quo” can threaten the goals set in the Paris climate agreement. … Read more

The United States and Europe are literally further and further apart as the Atlantic Ocean widens each year

[ad_1] Scientists have found that, contrary to popular wisdom, the mid-ocean mountain ranges under the Atlantic Ocean appear to play a much larger role in the shape of the Earth and literally separate the United States and the Europe. The precise mechanism behind the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates has long eluded scientists, but this … Read more

Say goodbye to Earth’s mini-moon February 1-2 | Space

[ad_1] A strange 2020 SO space object was discovered on September 17, 2020, as it approached Earth. On November 8, it slowly drifted into Earth’s gravitational dominance sphere, becoming a new mini-moon. It will escape again into a new orbit around the sun in March 2021. During this time it will make 2 large loops … Read more