Soap bubble freezes in iridescent snowball in cool new video

[ad_1] A photographer captured fascinating images of a soap bubble freezing and turning into a delicate snowball after the temperatures drop in Winnipeg, Canada. The stunning images were captured by Heather Hinam, Canadian naturalist, artist, photographer and educator. She shared the video on Twitter, noting that “cold, clear days with very little wind are great … Read more

Paleoclimatic puzzle explained by seasonal variation

[ad_1] Understanding past climate change is essential for putting modern global warming in context. Climate reconstructions during the Holocene – the current interglacial epoch, which began 11,700 years ago – based on geological evidence suggest that a peak in global average annual temperatures between 10,000 and 6,000 years was followed. a cooling trend, which was … Read more

Spinosaurus Wasn’t a Water Pursuit Predator, New Research Finds | Paleontology

[ad_1] The giant dinosaur Spinosaurus acted like modern herons or storks, taking fish and other aquatic prey at the water’s edge or in shallow water, but also searching for terrestrial prey and occasionally scavenging, according to new research by paleontologists from Queen Mary University of London, the University of Maryland and the National Museum of … Read more

Full moon in January 2021: when to see the wolf moon

[ad_1] Yes, it’s true: it rises during the day and can be seen all night long all over the world, barring clouds or bad weather. Each moon has its own name associated with the full moon. In January, it is often referred to as the “wolf moon,” supposedly inspired by hungry wolves that howled outside … Read more

New Fast Forward Algorithm Could Unleash the Power of Quantum Computers

[ad_1] Fast-forward quantum computations are exceeding the time limits imposed by decoherence, which plagues today’s machines. A new algorithm that speeds up simulations could bring greater usability to current and short-term quantum computers, paving the way for applications to run beyond strict time limits that hinder many quantum computations. “Quantum computers have a limited time … Read more

In world first, physicists reduce possible mass of dark matter

[ad_1] We may not know what dark matter is, but scientists now have a better idea of ​​what to look for. Based on quantum gravity, physicists have developed new, much stricter upper and lower mass limits for dark matter particles. And they found that the mass range is much narrower than previously thought. This means … Read more