Staten Island emergency hospital reopens to handle wave 2

[ad_1] Governor Andrew M. Cuomo said on Monday that New York would reopen an emergency hospital on Staten Island to deal with a new outbreak of coronavirus cases that is straining the capacity of the district’s hospitals. The announcement is another sign that New York City is in the throes of a second wave of … Read more

Media, some Republicans say legal setbacks seal Trump’s fate

[ad_1] Journalists have been caught in a fierce post-election crossfire, accused by the president and his team of ignoring or tolerating a massive wave of voter fraud. “The media is just as corrupt as the election itself,” Trump tweeted over the weekend. But news agencies that insisted on reporting the facts are confirmed as the … Read more

Corporate America is ready for a Biden presidency

[ad_1] Executives at several publicly listed companies have acknowledged Biden’s victory and have discussed their expectations of the new administration in various conference calls over the past few weeks. “I want to conclude by congratulating President-elect Biden”, Walmart (WMT) CEO Doug McMillon said during the retailer’s earnings call on Nov. 17. “We look forward to … Read more

Mysterious monolith found in remote Utah fuels speculation

[ad_1] 2020: a space odyssey? A mysterious monolith, believed to be some sort of metal, was discovered in remote areas of Utah on Wednesday, fueling speculation about what the object was or how it got there, according to reports. The structure, estimated to be between 10 feet and 12 feet tall, was discovered by state … Read more

2020 US Election Results: Joe Biden Defeats Donald Trump To Win Presidency | American News

[ad_1] Joe Biden was elected 46th President of the United States This election showed how important independent and factual journalism is to a functioning democracy. Help us deliver the high-quality news, data and information you need. Show your support How does the election work? The winner of the election is determined by a system called … Read more

Newsom’s controversial French Laundry meal reignites discussions over recall: report

[ad_1] Gov. Gavin Newsom, much criticized when stepping out to one of California’s most exclusive gourmet restaurants during the coronavirus pandemic this month, has reignited discussions about a recall, reports have shown. The recall campaign was revived after a judge last week granted Conservative activists a 120-day extension, until March 17, to continue collecting recall … Read more

Media obsessed with Antony Blinken’s guitar skills after Biden announces him as candidate for secretary of state

[ad_1] President-elect Biden announced Monday that Antony Blinken would become his candidate for secretary of state, but his apparent musical talents are causing a stir among reporters. While the media have generally scrutinized one of President Trump’s cabinet choices before their confirmation, Blinken’s rock past seems to be playing the right track in the press. … Read more

As Trump’s GSA begins electoral transition, Biden needs access to Covid-19 vaccination plans

[ad_1] Rudy Giuliani’s rambling press conferences and slapdash, failed prosecutions may seem like a political spectacle, but President Donald Trump’s refusal to concede and begin the orderly transition of government is no laughing matter. With the pandemic raging and a record number of people diagnosed with Covid-19 every day, a bumpy transfer from one administration … Read more

Biden appoints climate statesman John Kerry as climate envoy

[ad_1] John Kerry, one of the main architects of the Paris climate agreement, has a new chance to lead the fight against climate change after President-elect Joe Biden appointed longtime senator and former secretary of State as climate envoy for national security. Biden’s team gave few immediate details Monday on how he envisions Kerry shaping … Read more