Georgian officers shot dead a man who had an airsoft pistol

[ad_1] ATHENS, Ga. – The authorities claim that seven police officers in Georgia shot and killed a man who blamed them for what they subsequently learned as an airsoft gun. Police from Athens-Clarke County said that they had been called to a house Friday night and that they were armed. Police said the police had … Read more

GOP Senator: McCabe, other FBI members should "be ashamed"

[ad_1] Sen. John KennedyJohn Neely KennedyMORE (R-La.) Said Sunday that the former deputy director of the FBI Andrew McCabeAndrew George McCabeSunday shows in preview: the 2020 field begins to take shape Trump: "Sessions had no idea!" Top Republican publishes full transcript of Bruce Ohr interview PLUS and the other members of the bureau should be … Read more

Trevor Noah wants to inform viewers of the 2020 election for the "Daily Show" and questions the "new narrative" of Democrats

[ad_1] Trevor Noah has big plans regarding the coverage of President Donald Trump and Democrats in the 2020 election cycle in "The Daily Show". "What will be interesting for me in 2020, is this new narrative and this new discussion around the Democratic Party – because for a long time it was only a scenario: … Read more

California man arrested with more than $ 10 billion in stolen goods from Disneyland, police say

[ad_1] California Highway Patrol officers said they found $ 10,000 worth of goods stolen from Disneyland after they arrested a driver on Friday. (California Road Patrol) Californian authorities have surprised a thief who was flying in "the happiest place on the planet". California police officers said Friday they recovered more than $ 10,000 worth of … Read more

Texas Republican says he will vote for Trump "unless Beto O 'Rourke decides to run as Republican"

[ad_1] representative Will HurdWilliam Ballard HurdSunday preview: 2020 field begins to take shape Lawmakers are proposing a bill to stop the killer experiences of the agency to feed the kittens. (R-Texas) announced Sunday that he was counting on voting for President TrumpDonald John TrumpSanders pledges to support the Democratic candidate in 2020. CNN's Zucker: Fox … Read more

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the biggest success of SXSW, she denounces the moderate "meh"

[ad_1] Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Attracted more people to the South by Southwest than any of the Democratic presidential candidates and took the opportunity to criticize the "moderates". "Moderate is not an attitude." It's just an attitude toward life-like "meh," Ocasio-Cortez told the audience of South by Southwest, according to NBC News. have become so … Read more

A GOP senator says that he was surprised at the sentence handed down against Manafort's sleazoid & # 39;

[ad_1] Sen. John KennedyJohn Neely KennedyMORE (R-La.) Said Sunday that he was surprised by the length of the former president of the Trump campaign Paul ManafortPaul John ManafortSunday preview: the 2020 field begins to emerge Bill Maher at the head of CPAC: "Basically, Fox News runs our government" A woman sentenced to five years for … Read more