CDC just issued urgent warning about COVID


After several months of devastating outbreaks of COVID-19[female[feminine, in recent weeks, the number of infections, hospitalizations and deaths has started to decline. However, it is not yet time to celebrate the end of the pandemic. Health experts have predicted that new, more transmissible variants could lead to a further increase in cases. And, at the White House COVID-19 response team briefing on Friday, Dr Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), revealed that it was probably already happening and issued a loud warning. Read on to find out what she had to say – and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss them. Sure Signs That You Have Had Coronavirus.

Emergency doctor and doctor moving patient to hospital emergency room

Emergency doctor and doctor moving patient to emergency room in hospital

She began by acknowledging the decline in cases and hospital admissions over the past month or so, with deaths declining over the past week. However, she revealed that the trend was starting to reverse. “The latest data suggests that these declines could stagnate, potentially leveling off at a still very high number,” she said, adding that the CDC viewed it as “a very concerning course change.

Ambulances and fire trucks block the street in the city center

Ambulances and fire trucks block the street in the city center

“The average of the most recent cases over seven days, around 66,350, is higher than the average I shared with you on Wednesday,” she continued. “In fact, cases have increased in the past three days compared to the previous week. And while deaths tend to fluctuate more than cases and hospital admissions, the most recent seven-day average of around 2,000 per day is slightly higher than the seven-day average earlier in the week. . ”

Dr Walensky said the CDC is “watching” this “data very closely to see where it will go over the next few days” but stressed that it is an “important” reminder “to remember where we are at. the pandemic. “

“Things are fragile. Now is not the time to relax restrictions, ”she said. “Although we have seen a sharp drop in admissions cases over the past six weeks, these drops follow the highest peak we have seen in the pandemic. So I want to be clear: cases, hospital admissions and deaths all remain very high. And the recent change in pandemic must be taken very seriously. “

RELATED: If you are feeling this, you may have already had COVID, says Dr Fauci

Doctor studying viral bacteria in laboratory

Doctor studying viral bacteria in laboratory

Additionally, the latest variations are an added concern. “The CDC has sounded the alarm over the continued spread of variants in the United States, predicting that variants such as the B117 variant, which would be approximately 40%, 50% more transmissible” would become the predominant variant of COVID-19 at the half-March. “We are now perhaps seeing the first effects of these variants in the most recent data. Our estimates now indicate that B117 accounts for about 10% of cases in the United States compared to 1-4% a few weeks ago, and the prevalence is even higher in some parts of the country.

With the addition of new variants identified in California and New York, everyone must do their part to end the pandemic. “We may be done with the virus, but it is clear that the virus is not with us,” she warned. “We cannot feel comfortable or give in to a false sense of security that the worst of the pandemic is behind us. Not now, not when mass vaccination is so close, when what we need to prevent is really imminent. We must continue to be vigilant and determined to consistently take the steps we are working to stop the spread of COVID-19. ”

Young caucasian woman wearing surgical gloves putting on a face mask, protection against the spread of coronavirus

Young caucasian woman wearing surgical gloves putting on a face mask, protection against the spread of coronavirus

“The destination of the pandemic depends on our collective behavior and our determination to do our part, to protect ourselves, to protect ourselves, to protect our families and our communities. Together, we have the ability to prevent a further surge in our mainstream, ”she continued. “I know people are tired. They want to return to normal life, but we are not there yet. Give us the time we need to get more vaccines in our communities and to get more people vaccinated. This is our way. Here in the United States, more than 46 million people, or 14% of the population, have already received at least one dose of the vaccine. And many more of you are ready to roll up your sleeves as soon as the vaccine becomes available. And indeed, other vaccines are on the way. “

So follow the CDC’s fundamentals and help end this pandemic, wherever you live – wear a mask which fits perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, social distancing, avoid large crowds, do not go indoors with people you are not immune to (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, get vaccinated as soon as it is available to you, and to protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places where you’re most likely to catch COVID.


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