CDC Updates Covid-19 Guidelines for Child Care Programs


“Early last year, the CDC released initial guidance for child care programs during Covid-19. As we learn more about the virus, CDC experts have updated these guidance to several times throughout 2020, “CDC director Dr Rochelle Walensky said in a White House briefing on Friday. .

“Today, the CDC is once again releasing updated guidance based on the most recent scientific data,” Walensky said. “This science includes additional evidence showing that, when used consistently and correctly, prevention strategies such as wearing a mask, staying home when sick, and good hand hygiene can allow child care programs to operate safely and reduce the spread of Covid-19. “

The guide also calls vaccines “an important tool” to help stop the pandemic.

“I also want to stress that our child care advice emphasizes the importance of vaccination against Covid-19 as an extra layer of prevention for child care workers,” Walensky said. “I strongly encourage American educators to get vaccinated.”

Last week, the US Department of Health and Human Services asked suppliers of Covid-19 vaccines to make vaccine doses available to educators and educators.
The child care guide, updated on the CDC’s website Friday, notes that “even after vaccination of child care providers and staff, it will be necessary to continue preventive measures for the foreseeable future,” including wearing masks, physical distancing and other important prevention strategies described in this guidance document. “

The guidelines recommend that all people 2 years of age and older in a child care setting wear a mask, except when eating or sleeping. Masks should not replace physical distancing, and the CDC does not recommend face shields or glasses in place of masks.

The guide “also highlights strategies such as the cohort, where groups of children are kept together with the same peers and the same staff to reduce the risk of spreading throughout the program,” Walensky said.

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The guide also recommends increasing air ventilation by opening doors and windows when safe, and it provides recommendations on how to adapt settings for children with disabilities and special needs, as well as on ways to make common areas, food courts and play areas safer. during the pandemic.

The $ 1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill President Joe Biden enacted on Thursday includes funding for child care programs, which may apply to the implementation of recommended safety measures for Covid-19, Walensky said at Friday’s briefing.

“The US bailout, signed by the president yesterday, includes $ 24 billion in emergency funding to help support child care providers,” she said. “This funding can be used to pay rent, utilities and staff, but also to help child care providers implement Covid-19 prevention strategies.”

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The updated guidelines for child care programs come about a month after the CDC previously issued guidelines for reopening schools, focusing on five key Covid-19 mitigation strategies: universal port and correct masks; physical distancing; hand washing; cleaning of facilities and improvement of ventilation; and contact tracing, isolation and quarantine.

Vaccines and testing were not among the “key” strategies presented by the agency. The guide instead called them “extra layers” of Covid-19 prevention.

With respect to child care programs, the recently updated CDC guidelines “include strategies that child care programs can use to maintain healthy environments and operations, to reduce the risk of child care clusters. Covid-19 in their programs, to prepare for when someone is sick with Covid-19, and to support the adjustment and resilience of their staff, the children and parents they serve, ”said Walensky.

“This updated guide is intended for all types of child care providers, including child care centers, family day care centers, Head Start programs, and preschool programs – and is intended to complement, not replace , other laws, rules or regulations that child care programs must follow, “Walensky says.” Recognizing that advice can sometimes be complex. We also publish a suite of complementary resources, infographics and toolkits to help programs get started. “


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