Chris Pine breaks down his wonderful 1984 farewell scene


“It’s a really hard scene to do.”


[Editor’s note: The following contains spoilers for Wonder Woman 1984.]

One of my favorite sequences in Wonder Woman 1984 doesn’t involve superhero theaters or spiked invisible jets or fun shiny lassos (though all of them are fun too). This sequence simply involves two characters saying goodbye, with actors Gal gadot and Chris Pine playing their tragedy with perfect vulnerability. Steve Weintraub of Collider spoke to Pine as part of the Wonder Woman 1984 press junket, and when he quizzed Pine about this surprising footage, Pine broke it down for us.

Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman

In this scene, Diana (Gadot) and Steve (Pine) recently realized that using the wishing stone means that you are losing something important to you. Ever since Diana wanted Steve to come back, the stone took away her powers, leaving our Wonder Woman broken and stumbling. And in the midst of the chaos erupting in Washington DC, Steve finally convinces Diana to give up his wish and reclaim his powers – which, sadly, will send Steve back to the ether he came from. Gadot and Pine agree in tears and say goodbye to each other, resulting in a moment of dramatic weight that positively induces goosebumps.


Image via Warner Bros.

Here’s what Pine said about filming this moment, making sure to congratulate Gadot and the director / co-writer. Patty jenkins:

“We shot that off Pennsylvania Avenue. We shot that day when we did part of that huge week-long streak going down Pennsylvania Avenue, and its downhill and then its lasso. Pillar and made the scene. . It’s a really hard scene to do, especially when there are a lot of other actions and things to do in the rest of the day, and certainly very emotional for her. And Patty is really, really good at making sure that we have the space to really understand the scene and make it authentic, and then really push ourselves as actors to get there, and accept nothing less than the absolute truth. a stickler. ”

Check out Pine by talking about that footage below, and here’s the rest of the interview. Wonder Woman 1984 now plays in select theaters and airs on HBO Max.

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