Could your pet be a threat? Sputnik V creator in Russia warns Covid-19 could spread through cats and dogs in next phase of pandemic


Animals could become the next front line in the battle against the coronavirus, warned the scientist who led the development of Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, saying the deadly pandemic may not yet have reached its full potential.

Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Institute in Moscow – which developed the pioneering formula – claimed in an interview with Moscow media Izvestiya, published on Monday, that the virus could become more contagious and spread to a whole new group of people. potential hosts.

“The coronavirus has not yet realized its pathogenic potential”, Gintsburg said, arguing that the pandemic is here to last for the foreseeable future. “The next step is the infection of livestock and domestic animals. And when we protect mankind with the help of good vaccines within a year, pets will be infected then and no one will get rid of their beloved pets.

“So,” he argued, “The focus of this pathogen will be around us all the time, and it will continue to evolve. That is, we must be prepared for a long existence with this pathogen.

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“The beauty of how evolution creates something perfect, even something negative, surprises and thrills me,” Gintsburg said. “If you are trying to draw the most unpleasant infectious threat to mankind, then [Covid-19] would be what you would imagine… And nature not only invented it, but it also created it.

Albert Rizvanov, director of the Center for Precision and Regenerative Medicine at the Federal University of Kazan, told TASS on Wednesday that while the end of a widespread infection may be in sight, the company should learn to live with a virus by evolution for years to come. .

In January, Rizvanov claimed that as the pandemic abated in Russia, the virus would likely continue to live with an annual wave of infection. “There are seasonal diseases that usually die off in late spring and early summer,” he said.

Like them, said Rizvanov, this virus can “Stop spreading in Russia this summer. It looks like Covid-19 will become another of the seasonal pathogens that cause respiratory illnesses. “

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New mutations in the pathogen’s genetic code, such as those found in the UK, Brazil, South Africa and Russia, have raised concerns that existing vaccines being deployed could end. by offering less protection against new variants. The creators of Sputnik V, however, claim that their formula is effective against these recently evolved strains, although another mutation that bypasses the immunity provided by vaccines is still possible.

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