42% of Cuba's population is overweight, according to national survey


(EFE) – According to a national survey, 42% of Cuba's population, or 11.2 million inhabitants, is overweight, which is why island experts consider the # 39, obesity as a health problem The country.

The survey on cardiovascular risk factors reported that 47% of overweight Cubans are women and 37.6 men, said the head of the nutritional support group of the National Center for Minimally Accessible Surgery. Havana, Lilian Valdivia, quoted Friday by the official media

The specialist has estimated that the most worrying is that 13% of the total number of registered Cubans overweight are children, exposed to serious diseases.

The specialist has estimated that the most worrying thing is that 13% of the total number of Cubans registered overweight are children

In this sense, he warned that if the measures are not taken in time, these children will come obese lescencia and adulthood with risk factors for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia or diseases such as heart attacks and cerebrovascular disease.

The doctor pointed out that overweight can be prevented from childhood because one person happens to be obese, among other causes, because improper eating habits start in childhood with the baby. Ingesting jams, "empty calories" that recommend going for a day as "something exceptional."

He also noted that the Cuban population has the false concept that only meat is a source of protein, but said that it is also "a dish of rice with beans or eggs", he so urged to become aware of the harmfulness to human health of bad eating habits this leads to obesity.


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