Walnuts benefit men




Tue 10 Jul 2018, 9:25

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Nuts can improve sperm quality, help control weight, and provide support for brain health and type 2 diabetes.

Nut consumption improves sperm quality

A diet rich in walnuts significantly improves sperm count, quality and, of course, fertility. We can summarize that the intake of nuts benefits the quality of sperm, as demonstrated by a study conducted by specialists from the University Rovira i Virgili and the Autonomous University of Barcelona , in Spain.

For 14 weeks, out of 119 healthy young men between the ages of 18 and 35, some supplemented their usual diet with 60 grams of almonds, hazelnuts and mixed nuts a day and others have followed their normal diet without nuts. Next, the researchers measured sperm parameters and molecular changes over time.

First, they found significantly higher levels of sperm count and sperm enhancements in men who randomly badigned them to nuts. Specifically, improvements were 16% in counting, 4% in vitality, 6% in motility and 1% in morphology, four parameters badociated with male fertility (defined by WHO).

Nut group subjects also showed a significant reduction in their rate of sperm DNA fragmentation, a parameter closely badociated with male infertility. According to the researchers, this change is part of the sperm enhancement.


In general, the results indicate that there is a beneficial relationship between chronic consumption of nuts and sperm quality. They also realized that it is necessary to study specific dietary recommendations for men, said Albert Salas Hits of the University of Rovira i Virgil University's Human Nutrition Unit. 39, one of the specialists who participated in the research.

The study occurs in a context of general decline in the quantity and quality of spermatozoa, which in industrialized countries is attributed to pollution, smoking and Western diets. The improvements found in the group who consumed nuts are related to the benefits of diets rich in omega 3, antioxidants, vitamin C and E, selenium, zinc and folate, other studies. Walnuts contain many of these nutrients and other phytochemicals.

Although these results are statistically significant, Salas-Huetos warned that they can not be extrapolated to the general population. It is premature to say that if a man wants to conceive a baby, he has to add nuts to his daily diet, however, "evidence accumulates that lifestyle changes, such as following a healthy diet, could help with design and development. Of course, nuts are a key part of a healthy Mediterranean diet. "


Nuts contain several powerful and unique antioxidants that are only available in certain commonly consumed foods.

Did you know?

Walnuts contain the amino acid Larginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease

Nuts can improve sperm quality, help control weight, and provide support for brain health and type 2 diabetes.



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