They associate processed meats with the maniac syndrome


July 20, 2018, 11:24 Washington, July 20 (Prensa Latina) A study has shown that the nitrates used in the preparation of sausage, hot dogs and other processed meats cause the manic syndrome, characterized by hyperactivity, Euphoria and insomnia, reports the journal Molecular Psychiatry today.

Johns Hopkins University research, based on the badysis of over a thousand people with psychiatric disorders and without them, concluded that those hospitalized for a manic episode have more than triple the odds of Have eaten salty meats with nitrates compared to other unprecedented.

The data gained helps to ensure that certain diets and potentially quantities and types of bacteria in the intestine can contribute to mania and other disorders that affect the brain, said Robert Yolken, lead author.

"We were interested in checking whether exposure to infections like foodborne viruses could be related to any psychiatric disorder, we badyzed several different dietary exposures and the meat Salty is really demarcated, "Yolken said.

Nitrates have long been used as preservatives in processed meats. previously with certain types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, whose experts suspected the link with moods such as mania.

To further explore this possible badociation, scientists studied the impact of these substances in rats, which after a few weeks with different diets of added nitrates showed a hyperactivity similar to mania.

Scientists badyzed intestinal bacteria from different groups of rodents in the experiment and found that animals with nitrate in their diet had the others. [19659003] In addition, animals had differences in several molecular pathways in the brain, which are previously involved in bipolar disorder.

Experts point out that the discovery adds to the evidence of multiple factors that contribute to manic syndrome and bipolar disorder

They also consider that it is unlikely that occasional use will cause a manic episode in the majority of the population.

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