Focality of Aedes Aegypti persists in Puerto Padre (+ infographic)


Aedes Aegypti's Focality Persists in Puerto Padre (+ Computer Graphics)

– July 23, 2018

Aedes Aegypti's Focus Persistates in Puerto Padre during the calculation ] up to now this month 34 new appearances of the vector in the councils 1 and 13, of this city, according to the data of Dr. Laura Ochoa Vergara, director of the Municipal Center of Hygiene and epidemiology, report in the last hours

In tanks with water and without adequate protection, most outbreaks of the mosquito that transmits Zika and Dengue are counted, argued the specialist, who reported the urgency to systematically examine in homes and work centers the possible breeding sites

detections of Aedes Aegypti, in Puerto Padre, from January to date total 50 54, a figure that duplicates the records of all the calendar 2o17 also clarified Laur Ochoa Vergara, director of the Municipal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology

On the other hand, the newspaper 26, reported there a few days ago on the call of the health authorities of the province to extreme hygienic measures of hygiene to reduce the populations of Aedes Aegypti specially in these months year, so subject to the transfer of people to other provinces, in which circulates today a serotype dengue much more dangerous than the previous ones.

which is one of the most aggressive diseases transmitted by the vector and can even cause death.

According to Dr. Luis Manuel Pérez Concepción, Provincial Director of Health, there is no transmission of this or any other caused by mosquito (zika, chikungunya, yellow fever) but the high rate of its populations does not free us from the possibility of getting sick.

The truth is that the Puertopadrenses have lost the perception of risk and this issue requires the maximum attention of families, more when in summer the garment protects less skin, families travel in other places and all this complicates the situation.

Finally, the municipal health authority, on the territory, indicates that before the appearance of manifestations such as fever and headaches, it is necessary to go immediately to the health centers for prevent the spread . "

(based on information from the journal Radiojournalisme et Numérique 26)

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