They extract nearly 3 thousand stones from a woman's kidney


A 56-year-old woman who complained of severe abdominal pain had to undergo emergency surgery, the doctors removed the kidney on the right where two thousand 980 stones were was found renal (stones), according to published by Global Times.

Doctors took more than an hour to count the kidney stones of the woman, which accumulated because of various infections caused by diabetes .

The doctors explained that it was not possible to save the woman's kidney and that the only possible way to fix it was the complete removal of the 39, organ .

Kidney stones are solid mbades composed of small crystals that occur in the kidneys or ureter, are common and sometimes hereditary.

About 1 in 10 people face kidney stones at some point in their life. The stones can be due to several causes and affect any part of the urinary tract, from the kidneys to the bladder.

To read also do you think that you have kidney stones? These are the symptoms!

The kidneys purify the body because they purify the blood and release water and toxins. They filter minerals and other things from food and all we drink .

Sometimes these minerals form deposits in the kidneys, sometimes these deposits are converted into stones and expelled from the kidney. Ingesting a lot of animal protein, foods containing a lot of sodium and sugary drinks can increase the risk for stones .

One of the most important things that can be done to prevent the appearance of kidney stones is to stay well hydrated. It is desirable to produce clear, colored urine and keep it as transparent as possible for as long as possible during the day.

This note contains information on:
Global Times and Mayo Clinic

In this note:

  • Kidney Stones
  • Kidney Health

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