A helmet to increase the power of the brain




SHENZHEN, July 25 (Xinhua) – Chinese scientists develop a helmet to improve brain function through monitoring and regulation of brainwaves and the combination of [19659004] Wei Pengfei, a researcher at the Shenzhen Higher Institute of Technology (SIAT) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, revealed that his team is developing a system for the improvement of Brain functions with the goal of improving the brain's ability to perform complex tasks and regulate abnormal emotions.

The helmet could be used in the training of special people to accelerate the increase of memory and skills and to relieve anxiety caused by stress.

The technology should also help treat children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and people with depression, aphasia, and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease , Wei details

Surgically implanted deep brain stimulation technology appeared in the 1960s. At the beginning of this century, scientists developed the technology. electroencephalographic feedback and brain-computer interface technology

In recent years, noninvasive stimulation and regulation technology has been able to intervene and regulate brain activities more rapidly, becoming a new research center for the brain and neuroscience.

The helmet is based on brain stimulation technology and noninvasive regulation, explains Wei. It uses flexible electrode sensors to identify brain waves when the brain performs different tasks. Then the electrodes release light electrical impulses that can reach specific areas of the brain, altering brain waves and regulating the active state of their neurons.

"Since brain tissue is very complex, we must first build a computer model and then determine the target area and the parameters of stimulation," explains Wei

An Artificial Intelligence Algorithm reads brain activity in real time and calculates stimulation parameters to achieve precise and personalized regulation.

research, based on the Institute of Brain Cognition and Cerebral Disease of SIAT, has a platform research form for rodents, primates, and humans

"Through experiments with animals, we badyzed specific brain areas for attention cognition, emotional regulation, anxiety, addiction, stress, and leanness. epilepsy. We hope to be able to intervene effectively in these areas, "says the expert.

The team also developed tests of cognitive ability.

For example, test participants used the headset for about 15 minutes and then asked them to quickly memorize a sequence of numbers, letters, or words in English. The test revealed that the average accuracy of their memories improved in two hours.

However, the data is still insufficient, warns Wei. Large-scale experiments with the double-blind method among people of different ages and groups are needed to accumulate convincing data.

"We have only tested the short-term memory of those who wear the headphones.Now we plan to test your memory in a range of one week," Go ahead.

Up to now, researchers have developed the prototype of the first-generation helmet, which can implement feedback control in the cerebral cortex waves. The team is already developing the second generation, with the goal of achieving noninvasive stimulation of the deep brain.

They also intend to cooperate with hospitals in clinical trials in autistic and schizophrenic patients, as well as in children with ADHD.

The research was recently selected as one of the 30 winning projects of an innovative technology competition for the future in Shenzhen, a city in the southern province of Guangdong. The competition encouraged young Chinese scientists to design innovative technologies and unleash innovation.

The United States, Europe and other countries and regions have launched programs to unravel the secrets of the human brain. Brain research will also help the development of artificial intelligence

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