Carnival santiaguero del 65 del Moncada, with the hunt for dengue and Zika


The cities of Boniato and El Caney, very close to the city of Santiago de Cuba, are very complicated today with positive cases of dengue fever and Zika, and many Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes, while some of them are very common. there are only a few days left before the famous carnival, which will bring people from all over the country.

Health hearings are increased as a preventive measure, in which the life cycle of the mosquito is explained to people and what to do in case of symptoms of some of these diseases, also the fumigation is done on apples that are positive to the presence of the dangerous vector, while doctors have an admission to the hospital oriented towards any suspicion of zika and dengue fever.


However, people have more aversion to income than the diseases themselves, which has consequences that prefer to stay in their homes and spend the effects of Zika and Dengue, which I do not help to cut the "The doctors in the office come every morning to my house and they make me sign a paper where I declare that there is no feverish case and that there is no problem. they have pbaded the inspection, I do not know what legal value this document will have, but I give thanks to God, there is no fever in my house, "says Nidia

The doctors in the office come to my house every morning and have me sign a paper stating that there are no feverish cases and that they have pbaded the inspection

] It is usual that & # 39; 39 with the intermittent rains and the intense heat of this time of year, which promotes the hatching of eggs, increases the focus, which with the manipulation difficult hygiene due to carnivals, can lead to a dangerous epidemiological situation. the city.

It is also common for diarrheal diseases to increase at that time, because the heat itself causes a faster deterioration of the food, and carn the endorsement, where so much is sold, is a usual home of stomach ailments.

A galena from the provincial hospital's guardhouse badures that carnival days are where the worst medical guards are made "cases of stabbing, cutting with knives, or puncturing wounds with nails". any object, and also when food poisoning or cases of diarrhea are more common.For these dates we have no special guidelines, only to monitor the increase of these cases.Life continues the same "

And by announcing the famous carnival of Santiago, which does not suspend it or a combined epidemic of dengue and Zika, the inhabitants are worried because people come from all over the country, who knows what tension and illness, while everything is relaxing in the city, including cleanliness and hygiene, and even the work of those who keep the vectors at bay.

Carnival in Santiago de Cuba
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