The miraculous helmet is tested in China and seeks to improve brain function.
Chinese scientists develop a helmet to improve brain function
This through the monitoring and regulation of the brain waves
In addition to the combination of technology artificial intelligence (TI) .
This is done Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), of ] Chinese Academy of Sciences .
Wei Pengfei project manager, said that they are developing a system that aims to improve brain capacity.
It would also be useful to regulate abnormal emotions .
The helmet could also be applied speed up the increase in memory .
And further skills and relieve anxiety caused by stress.
Technology should also help treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) .
and is tested to relieve depression Alzheimer aphasia and Parkinson explained Wei .
A head for technology: Chinese scientists develop a headset that monitors and regulates brain waves to help boost memory and treat conditions https: // t .co / IRmRJEnQ7A pic.twitter.com/ seqg1YODVH [1 9659003] – China Xinhua News (@XHNews) July 24, 2018
A helmet to enhance brain activity
The brain stimulation technology appeared during the decade 1960 .
At the beginning of this century, scientists developed brain-computer interface technology .
In recent years, technology was able to intervene and to regulate brain activity more rapidly.
The helmet is based on regulation technology and noninvasive brain stimulation . Soft Electrode Sensors for identifying brain waves when the brain performs different tasks.
The electrodes release low intensity pulses in specific areas of the brain, regulating the state of the neurons. [19659003] "In experiments on animals, we badyzed brain areas also related to addictive stress and epilepsy." Wei . they used the helmet for about 15 minutes and then had to quickly memorize a sequence of numbers, letters or words in English
The test revealed that the average accuracy rate of their memories improved ] two hours .
Up to now, researchers have developed the first-generation helmet prototype .
The team develops the second-generation helmet for the purpose of performing noninvasive stimulation of the deep brain.
Research is one of 30 winning projects in a competition of innovative technologies for the future in Shenzhen Guangdong Province South China .
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With the information of TIC Beat and The Tercera.
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