Chaco Hoy – Hepatitis Day: Health recommends vaccination to prevent the disease


Vaccination against hepatitis A and B is free and available to all and is available at all health centers in the province.

As part of raising awareness for World Hepatitis Day – Saturday, July 28 – The Ministry of Public Health conducted a day with vaccination activities and voluntary testing in public spaces, in the aim to accompany and strengthen the overall approach of the disease. Similarly, the health portfolio clarifies myths and mistaken beliefs about viral hepatitis.

On Friday and Saturday, the teams of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) of the Directorate of Epidemiology were present in Plaza 25 de Mayo and in Democracy Park to approach and guarantee immunization against the disease. all interested. Only on Friday, 126 doses were applied against hepatitis B and another 105 vaccines (anti-flu and preventar).

Vaccination that prevents against hepatitis A and B is free and is for everyone and is available in all The vaccine is recommended especially for all children, some international travelers and people with certain factors. risk or medical conditions.

In adults, the vaccination schedule is two doses; the second dose is given 6 to 12 months after the first dose. All children must receive the vaccine and have at least 12 months to be vaccinated.

Other methods of prevention include maintaining hygiene practices such as washing your hands with water, soap and a nail brush for handling food. and the elimination of excreta and the use of bleach to wash all objects likely to be in contact with the feces; do not share needles, syringes or sharp objects with other people, requiring the use of disposable or sterilized material to obtain tattoos, piercings, implants or procedures invasive, and use a condom since the beginning of bad. src = "" style = "width: 100%;" />


Ante The belief that "you know if hepatitis is because you become yellow and dark piss", experts say that this is not the case in all cases Many people who have the virus have no symptoms The most effective method The disease is accompanied by a blood test.

"Viral hepatitis is divided into benign or severe." This is not true, in its acute phase, any viral hepatitis can cause severe symptoms, although it is not the most common. 19659002] "The vaccine protects against all hepatitis." This is a false belief because there are only vaccines against hepatitis A and B – included in the national immunization schedule – and they do not protect against hepatitis C. , D and E.

"If you have ever had hepatitis, you will not come back to have it. "It's a myth that is wrong because there are different types of viruses that cause hepatitis.The one caused by a specific virus does not grant immunity for the rest." 19659002 ] "Only excessive consumption of alcohol produces cirrhosis of the liver." It should be noted that this is not the only cause, cirrhosis may also be caused by drugs and various liver diseases (including including viral hepatitis)


Symptoms of Hepatitis

Some people with acute hepatitis B have symptoms similar to influenza or may have jaundice, may also be expressed in fatigue, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, dark urine, fever and chills.Sometimes pain may appear on the right side of the upper abdomen which can extend to the rear

In the case of Chronic hepatitis B, many people do not show any warning signs and do not know that they are infected, the symptoms can take up to 30 years and liver damage can occur in silence during this period. When symptoms appear, they are similar to an acute infection and can be a sign of advanced liver disease. In addition, over the years, some people with chronic hepatitis B may develop cirrhosis and / or liver cancer. Others have to resort to a liver transplant to live

In children under 7 years, hepatitis A does not cause symptoms in 70 to 80% of cases, and in adults 25% . These warning signs may be: fever, general malaise, anorexia (lack of appetite), nausea, abdominal pain, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes) and hepatomegaly (enlarged liver). In general, the symptoms disappear spontaneously in 2 to 3 weeks.

Most people infected with hepatitis C have no symptoms or have only mild forms. The symptoms of chronic hepatitis C can also take up to 30 years to manifest and the damage to the liver can occur silently. The symptoms of acute and chronic hepatitis C can include: fatigue, fatigue; nausea or vomiting; fever and chills; dark urine; The fecal matter is lighter in color; yellow eyes and skin (jaundice); pain in the right side of the upper abdomen that can radiate to the back; problems with blood clotting digestive bleeding (vomiting blood or black stools); Abdominal distention with fluid in the abdomen (ascites).


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