Concentrating psychiatric services in the "Clodomira Acosta Ferrals" (+ Audio)


Las Tunas-. The psychiatric ward and intensive care unit that were located at the general teaching hospital Dr. Ernesto Guevara of Serna, moved to the psychiatric hospital Clodomira Acosta Ferrals in the provincial capital, informs today the digital version of the journal 26.

Relocation meets the need to focus aid for mental health as reported by Dr. Tatiana Basterrechea Gordillo , director of the institution.

"It is a craving made reality and we consider that it has been one of the major advances of the specialty in this process of transformations of the health sector," said Basterrechea Gordillo.

The two new benefits join the usual hospital services that they offer in the long stay room and outbuildings, in addition to psychological, geriatric, physical, dementia or cessation consultations. smoking.

[1] 9459003] "Should people, he insists, want to go to this center which now includes all psychiatric care in the province?"

"Clodomira Acosta" a capacity of 107 beds for admission of affected. Currently, there are 51 institutionalized patients due to non-acceptance in the core family and inadequate management.

 siq "We took care of them, becoming their own family. However, according to our hospital's concept of care, once the therapeutic goals are met, they must return home and reintegrate into society.

"There are chronic diseases – continuous – that the person will suffer throughout his life, but like other noncommunicable, they can be compensated. There are also transient disorders that find a solution after treatment and leave no sequelae, "says the doctor

. Paranoid schizophrenia is still the most common mental illness in the population of Las Tunas; It can appear in adolescence or in adulthood. Bipolar, depressive and anxious disorders, dementia, etc. are also common here.

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