Conclusion of new tests for the AIDS vaccine – MUNDO – La Industria


An international team of scientists reported that the first tests of an AIDS vaccine have shown encouraging progress.

The AIDS vaccine may be closer than we think. According to the scientific journal The Lancet, an international team of scientists reported that the first tests carried out showed encouraging progress in the immunological responses of humans to HIV.

According to the publication, the virologist Dan Barouch, of Harvard Medical School, said to be close to an effective AIDS vaccine. " They represent an important step," he told US media. However, he said that there is still no guarantee that the following tests will also be successful. "We must be cautious," he added

The study tests were conducted on 393 healthy adults from eastern and southern Africa, Thailand, and the states -United. Some of the volunteers received the experimental vaccine which included four injections administered within 48 weeks, while others received a placebo.

The vaccine is composed of several types of HIV virus, designed to be more harmless to the subjects of the experiment. The intention is to elicit an immune response in people who have received the vaccine and, according to the study, it has been achieved.

Before performing the test in humans, experts tested the vaccine in macaques and it was effective in two-thirds of

It should be noted that despite medical advances in prevention and control, Treatment of the disease, the researchers insist on the need to promote measures to prevent infection.

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