Confirmed case of imported malaria in Misiones Ȅanduti


Paraguay, declared free from indigenous malaria this year, activated its epidemiological surveillance system after registering an imported case in the person of a citizen of Africa, reported the Ministry of Public Health

. confirmed this case, recorded in the region of the city of San Ignacio, in the department of Misiones, pending the diagnosis of a second person who also presented symptoms of the disease.

"Cases of malaria are very common in Africa and Central America, and in case of suspicion we have tested and diagnosed imported cases, taking into account that Paraguay is a In this case, epidemiological surveillance was activated and in situ treatment was carried out, "said the director of the eighth health region, Pedro Pérez.

He added that the epidemiological blockade had been applied in that began to strengthen the surveillance system

Paraguay was declared a free country by the World Health Organization (WHO ) in June.

In 2016, the WHO identified Paraguay is one of the 21 countries likely to eliminate malaria by 2020 thanks to the. "E-2020" initiative, which also includes Belize, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico and Suriname. 19659003] Source: EFE

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