Conviction in Germany of a pharmacist for adultery


July 6, 2018, 13:34 Berlin, July 6 (PL) A German pharmacist has been sentenced to 12 years in prison, fined 17 million euros and sentenced to 18 years. ban on practicing medicine to adulterate cancer drugs, says a judicial source today.

"For years, the pharmacist has charged patients the total dose of drugs by providing them with minimal and adulterated amounts," Judge Johannes Hidding said Friday. from the city of Essen, in the west of the country.

According to the lawyer, after investigations in the pharmacy agents seized 117 drugs prepared, 66 of them contained a lower dose than indicated. During the process, more than 14,000 violations of the German health legislation were recorded.

It was also impossible to specify the exact number of victims and to determine how many patients were taking chemotherapy or other treatments with adulterated drugs. In August 1961 the first drug law was promulgated in Germany, which was reformed 17 years later by introducing a rigorous procedure to authorize, register or supply medicines.

Joachim Odenbach, of the Federal Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (BPI) said that despite this legislation, the danger is serious and, he said, "people with few resources, who need essential medicines at an affordable price are particularly at risk. "

According to police reports, the illegal market for counterfeit medicines in Germany is growing and the dades authorities are working together to fight a mafia that moves a lot of money every year.

ga / cdo

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