Costa Rica strengthens measures against brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis


July 25, 2018, 14:12 San José, July 25 (Prensa Latina) Costa Rica today strengthened control measures to eradicate brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis , contagious diseases that cause serious productive and economic impacts, including international trade in live animals.

Costa Rica's President, Carlos Alvarado, and Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Renato Alvarado, signed the reforms to the decrees for the official fight against these diseases, at the end of the year. a press conference after the Board of Governors, which was held this week in Nicoya, on the occasion of the 194th anniversary of the annexation of this territory to Costa Rica

"This change is needed to strengthen the control measures of both diseases at the national level, in order to reduce their presence in the national herd and thus achieve its eradication, "said the Director General of the National Animal Health Service (SENA). , Federico Chaverri

He indicated that the new regulation will be regulated and supervised by Senasa, in coordination with public institutions, non-governmental organizations, official or private veterinarians and breeders, for Fighting the ills that affect domestic and wild species

He pointed out that brucellosis is an infectious disease of goats, cattle and pigs transmitted to humans through the ingestion of their products, especially Dairy products; It lasts a long time and is characterized by high fevers and sudden changes in temperature.

Bovine tuberculosis is considered the true host, but has also been found in many other domestic and non-domestic animals.

In this regard, the Presidential House revealed a latest study conducted in Costa Rica in 2014, which shows that brucellosis has a 4.98% existence in domestic herds.

Recall that since 1997, Senasa has sampling, diagnosis in the official laboratory, mandatory notification of cases, marking and slaughter of positive animals, monitoring and remediation of positive herds, declaration of free herds and strengthening activities in priority areas, among others.

OCS / Ale

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