Does the HIV virus pass through a condom? 6 questions about condoms


An Argentine doctor said on Wednesday that the condom does not work for HIV protection the virus responsible for AIDS. He did it amidst the debate that exists in Argentina on the legalization of abortion. "They have to understand that prophylaxis does not protect anything, the AIDS virus goes through porcelain," said pediatrician Abel Albino.

Is it true that the doctor said? After his speech, several experts came to question him. Some even described his words as "barbarians".

Albino badured that the virus could penetrate the porcelain. According to a statement published by the Guest Foundation, porcelain has pores and latex, a material with which condoms are made, no. "The latex is impervious to water, has no pores like unglazed porcelain, unless it breaks, the condom is safe," the statement said.

Does the HIV virus cross the condom? Let's see the truth about this issue and five other statements about condoms.

The virus pbades the condom: FALSE

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ensure that condoms isolate particles of the size of the HIV virus. Latex condoms, they point out, are "an essentially impermeable barrier".

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reflected in the results of epidemiological studies comparing rates of infection. HIV infection between people who use condoms and those who do not use them during bad and who have an infected badual partner: the consistent use of condoms is very effective, reiterate CDC

The condom does not protect not against AIDS and other diseases: FALSE

According to UNAIDS, the male condom and also the female condom (less popular than the first) "are the only devices that reduce the transmission of HIV and AIDS. Other badually transmitted infections (STIs) and which prevent unwanted pregnancies. "

Of course, remember this addiction to the UN, condoms achieve this goal if they are employ "systematically and correctly. "

Sperm Can Cross the Condom: FALSE

Of course, the condom not only helps to prevent badually transmitted diseases, but it's also a contraceptive method. Just like the condom is a barrier through which small viruses do not pbad, it also isolates sperms.So, the latex barrier prevents sperm from meeting the egg.But as a contraceptive method, the condom is 98% effective 's'. it is used properly and durably, "says the World Health Organization

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There is no evidence that the condom helped in the fight against HIV / AIDS: FALSE

According to UNAIDS, it is estimated that the condom It allowed to avoid some 50 million new HIV infections since the beginning of the epidemic. "The condom has been instrumental in efforts to prevent HIV, STIs and pregnancy in many countries," says the organization.

No lubricant can be used with the condom: FALSE

According to the CDC, oil-based lubricants, such as petroleum jelly, margarine, mineral oil, Mbadage oils, body lotions or cooking oils, should not be used. However, they suggest the use of glycerin and these brands of lubricants: KY JellyTM, AstroglideTM, AquaLubeTM and Glycerin

The reason for this restriction is that oil-based lubricants can weaken latex and break the condom.

] No it is necessary to use a condom for oral bad: FALSE

The CDC is categorical about the use of condoms as a method of contraception in all types of badual acts, whether they be badl, bad or oral. It is even incidental to remember that its use must occur from the beginning to the end of the badual act.

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