Health Authorities Call for Strengthening Vector Control> Cuba> Granma


High temperatures, humidity and precipitation are typical summer conditions, ideal for that Aedes aegypti, agent transmitting viruses such as dengue, zika, chikungunya and yellow fever, recurs

. fortuitous, then the call that the health authorities make the population to strengthen the preventive measures to prevent the proliferation of this vector.

According to Dr. Francisco Durán García, National Director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health, the increase in arbovirus (disease transmitted by mosquitoes) that occurs during this summer period, is given by the rains, very marked this year.

This affects, he says, the increase of mosquito breeding sites, especially taking into account the sanitation problems that exist in public places, some work centers, in the course of many houses, where water is deposited. This is coupled with heat, which has the effect of accelerating the life cycle of the mosquito, which consequently becomes shorter and causes an increase in infestation rates.

In Cuba, chikungunya has not been reported for two years. years, and yellow fever has been eliminated since 1909, but in the case of dengue and Zika virus, there are foci of transmission in several territories of the country, said Dr. Durán García

. vector control, weekly fumigations, house inspection, daily surveillance and population screening, search for people with symptoms of the disease, implementation of health actions with intersectoral participation of other organizations.

However, he said, the stone In the prevention and control of these viruses, it is still incumbent upon families and individuals to cooperate with these measures. "It is to open the door to the fumigator and allow him to enter, but especially to perform the autofocal in homes and work centers: cover deposits , brush their edges, shoot them down, change the water of the spiritual vessels, clean the patios,

"The operator has the responsibility to do a thorough inspection, but whoever knows where a potential home can to be is the inhabitant, "stressed the specialist.

The National Director of Epidemiology also emphasized the importance of going to health services before any sign or symptom "It is essential to remove the patient from the environment where there is transmission, to prevent other mosquitoes from biting and to continue transmitting the disease. In addition, this person will be subject to medical surveillance, if the symptoms and complications occur, act quickly, "he explains

" Beware of yourself and neglect the rigor and the discipline in actions to eliminate this vector. health risks. The Zika virus, for example, we know how important it can be in pregnant women, with the risk that the baby will be born with a conbad syndrome; and the fact that in some people it can produce a complication such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, "adds Dr. Durán García

He recalls that fever, headaches and eyes are among the symptoms of dengue ., malaise, and the appearance of a rash .In the case of Zika, although the fever appears, it is not as persistent as dengue fever.Other clinical manifestations , he said, are the appearance of muscle and joint pain, non-purulent conjunctivitis (redness of the eyes), as well as discomfort and decay.However, it has been reported that the infection Zika virus is asymptomatic in 70 to 80% of cases

No less important, the fact that arboviruses are one of the major public health problems it affects intensively the region of the Americas – a context Cuba does not escape – and is a challenge, so that the International health control, in view of the increase in the number of travelers, is also essential.

Dr. Durán García mentioned that the summer is also a stage prone to diarrheal diseases, although he said that the incidence of these diseases in the country has decreased and that cholera has not been reported for two years.

common increase of respiratory diseases, for which maintain adequate hygiene, cover the mouth when sneeze or cough, among other measures, are recommended.

And most importantly, he reiterated, go to the Health Services for any symptoms.

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