Meeting the Sonora 35 weeks without new cases of dengue and zika


The Mexican State of Sonora respected 35 weeks without new dengue cases informed the Ministry of Health through the Directorate of Health Promotion and Health. disease prevention.

Gerardo Álvarez Hernández, director of said area, informed that the last confirmed case corresponds to the 45th week of the year 2017.

Regarding chikungunya he said that They were two years without case of the disease, the last was presented in the epidemiological week 26 of 2016, in the country nine cases were reported until 2018.

Read also: They will use bacteria to reduce dengue, zika and chikungunya

On Zika the state representative pointed out that 7 months have pbaded without confirmation of cases of the disease in the # 39, state, the last, he said, was presented in the week of 49 of 2017.

we must lower our guard and continue with the actions of lava, lid, flip and shoot to avoid breeding mosquitoes Aedes Aegypti with more intensity now after p luies, we must do all year, with more now it increases the humidity ", r Álvarez Hernández

Read also: They call for extreme precautions to avoid mosquito diseases

It has added that to prevent mosquito bites, it is recommended that the public wear trousers and wear clothing covering the arms, if necessary, use DEET-based commercial repellents, which are allowed for public sale.

With respect to purple fever indicated that everyone may possibly present it, complications and fatal results are more common in risk groups, however, can be cured if the Specific antibiotic, doxycycline, is administered in the first three days of symptoms began .

It should be noted and take into account the presence of fever, head pain and discomfort, with history of contact history with ticks, he said, is enough to suspect the disease, and before that is important go to the doctor

During the week two cases of the disease were confirmed, which accumulate 41 during the year there was no death from this disease, so it remains in 17 registered deaths. 19659012]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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