Minister ensures controlled epidemic of hepatitis in Costa Rica


July 26, 2018, 15:29 San José, July 26 (Prensa Latina) Costa Rica's Minister of Health Guiselle Amador said today that he has been in control of the outbreak of the disease. hepatitis A in the capital Goicoechea At a press conference on this event, Amador said that patients are served by officials of their portfolio and the Social Security Fund of Costa Rica, who indicated the measures to be taken by neighbors to prevent the spread of the disease, which is located in no more than two or three blocks of this neighborhood Josefino.

For his part, the chief of health surveillance of this ministry, Daniel Salas, warned against the difficulty to detect the disease, as well as the origin of the chain, since -explained- its symptoms may appear up to six weeks after the infection.

However, Salas said that the outbreak of hepatitis A in Goicoechea occurred because of contagion. person to person He urged those who present the symptoms and be confirmed with this disease to stay at home between 12 and 14 days.

ga / ale

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