Mortality from heart failure affects women more


This disease represents 35% of the total cardiovascular deaths that occur among the female population.

Heart failure occurs when our heart is unable to pump blood to the appropriate volumes to meet metabolic needs. It's a process that worsens over time, but making changes in our lifestyle (doing exercise, reducing salt intake, losing weight, and controlling stress) can to be very beneficial.

According to a recent study conducted by the Heart Institute of the University of Ottawa (Canada), heart failure mortality rates are higher in women than in men. In addition, hospitalization rates increased in them, while they decreased in them. "This is the first in a series of studies to examine gender differences in heart failure, outcomes, care and access in Ontario." "says Dr. Louise Sun, of the Heart Institute.

The light in the scientific journal CMAJ (Journal of the Canadian Medical Association), which emphasizes that heart failure is a very important cause of illness and death. He also explains that recent studies show that rates have been reduced, but there is a lack of information on how they affected the case of men and women.


In order to understand these differences, researchers at the University of Ottawa badyzed data from more than 90,000 patients diagnosed with heart failure in Ontario over a period of five years (from 2009 to 2014). They found that 47% of the cases were women and were more likely to be older, to have lower incomes and to suffer from various chronic diseases.

The authors summarize their conclusions with these words: "Heart failure mortality remains high. especially in women, hospitalizations for this reason decreased in men but increased in women, and women and men had different badociated comorbidities. "And they insist that to improve women's current outcomes, new studies should focus on gender differences in their behavior when they are trying to achieve health status, medical treatment and treatment response.

Very Interesting

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