Mortality from liver cancer increases by 43% since 2000


Mortality of liver cancer increased from to 43% in the United States between 2000 and 2016 because of the increase recorded in all racial and ethnic groups in the US. exception of Asians and Pacific Islanders, According to a study published today by the country's health authorities.

Although trends vary by age group badyzed, the reported average increase has been constant since 2000, when 7.2 cases were recorded per 100,000 cases. 25 years old, up to 2016, when the number was raised to 10.3

In the year 2000, 12,841 people died in the United States because of liver cancer a figure that was 16 years later 26,489, said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Read also: Discover the new method of diagnosis of liver cancer

The incidence of this disease was higher in men over 25 years, whose mortality rate was 10.5 cases per 100,000 population in 2000 and 15 in 2016, representing a 43% increase, compared to women in the same age group, whose mortality rate increased by 40%, from 4.5 at 6.3 cases per 100,000.

While the group of Asians and Pacific Islanders was the group with the highest rate until 2014, it was the only group that declined its mortality since the beginning of the millennium (-22%)

In this way, they were exceeded in 2016 by Hispanic adults, whose deaths from liver cancer have increased by 27% since 2000

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African-Americans follow with an increase of 43%, while the increase in mortality among whites was 48%, although its total rate is seven points less than the other groups.

The H Gado Cancer was the ninth most deadly in 2000 and became the sixth in 2016, the year when the District of Columbia (DC), where is the country's capital , recorded the highest mortality rate by this type of cancer (16.8) and the state of Vermont (in the northeastern United States) lowest among the 50 states (6). EFEUSA

In this note:

  • Liver cancer
  • Mortality

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