Obesity becomes a health problem in Cuba | Spanish.xinhuanet.com


HAVANA, July 6 (Xinhua) – More than four million Cubans, who make up 42 per cent of the island's population, are overweight, a situation considered by local health authorities as a health problem, he added. a specialist this Friday in Havana.

In statements published in state Radio Rebelde, Lilian Valdivia García, executive of the National Center for Minimal Access Surgery, said that this conclusion was obtained from a national survey conducted this year by The National Health System

The survey shows that of the total number of overweight people, 47 percent are women.

"The most disturbing is that 13 percent of the total are children, so they are exposed to serious illnesses," warned the specialist also in General and Integral General Medicine.

She explained that the situation of these minors is serious because if the correct measures are not taken in time, they will occur in obese adolescents and later in adults with more risk factors for the same. hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia and increased incidence of heart and cerebrovascular diseases, among others.

Valdivia García emphasized that preventing or stopping obesity by becoming aware of the harmful effects of inadequate dietary habits on human health.

In 2017, the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) of the Caribbean nation warned that obesity had increased in a few years. 18.1 percent among women and 11.4 percent among men.

Experts from the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene attribute the fact to lifestyle modifications, such as high-fat foods, little physical activity and sedentary living. general.

According to UN data, obesity is a global problem that affects one in five people. According to doctors, overweight contributes to psychological symptoms such as low self-esteem, negative body image, depression, stigma, marginalization and isolation. [ad_2]
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