Public health reports on a batch of vegetables contaminated with bacteria


The Ministry of Health activated epidemiological surveillance to evaluate any information

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic. – The Ministry of Health through the Directorate General of Drugs, Food and Sanitary Products ( DIGEMAPS ), informed the population that it has received an official report from the International Network of Food Authorities ( INFOSAN ), which reports a contamination of plants by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, which develops intracellularly and is the cause of A gastrointestinal disease called listeriosis.

The international regulatory agency reported that lots of frozen corn, carrot and broccoli of the mark VIMA FOODS (Belgium and Hungary) and manufactured from 13/08/2016 to 20 / 06/2018 are contaminated by this bacteria.

DIGEMAPS, as ins The National Regulatory Agency carried out an inspection of the company VIMA DOMINICANA SRL, responsible for marketing the aforementioned products in the Dominican Republic and ordered the recall of all batches of people affected by the As this represents a high risk for the disease, the health regulator of the Dominican Republic recommends to the general population to have purchased or kept the products, to refrain from to consume them, if they have already bought them. or return them to the point of sale where they were purchased.

Similarly, he calls on the population to remain attentive to the recommendations issued by this entity.

In addition, the Ministry of Health activated epidemiological surveillance to evaluate information received via the alerting networks, remove and denaturalize all relevant products of the

Application DIGEMAPS [19659003] The institution has made it clear that it has the application DIGEMAPS, where, through a smart phone, citizens can complain about food products, drugs or drugs. sanitary products that are marketed in the country irregularly, with an expiration date, no lot number, without sanitary registration, in poor condition, re-labeled or whose label is not in Spanish .

The Ministry of Health informed national and regional health staff of this situation by disseminating information about the event to health care providers, so that They report cases of gastrointestinal signs and symptoms related to the consumption of these vegetables, provincial epidemiology services and health sectors to ensure prompt investigation and immediate control measures.

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