Radio Havana Cuba | They identify 4 fungi that could help cure cancer


Identify 4 fungi that could help cure cancer

Fomitopsis pinicola. Photo /

  Fomitopsis pinicola. Photo /

Moscow, July 23 (RHC) A group of scientists has identified four types of Far East mushrooms that can be used in the manufacture of low-toxicity drugs for cancer .

Four types of mushrooms Fomitopsis pinicola, Hericium erinaceus, Inonotus obliquus and Trametes versicolor were badyzed by researchers from the Far East Federal University (Russia), The University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and the Far East Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences

According to an article published in the journal Oncotarget, the compounds of these fungi could cure Sarcoma, leukemia, rectal cancer and colon cancer with a high degree of probability, as well as cancer of the stomach, liver cancer, colon cancer and other potential diseases.

Currently, the School of Biomedicine of the Far East Federal University is testing the anticancer qualities of fungal extracts, in order to create a new generation of low-toxicity drugs that will not be harmful. do not affect healthy cells in the body and have the least possible side effects.

According to the researchers, the four types The fungi badyzed are already widely used in folk medicine in Asia and the Far East and were selected for the study because their medicinal properties are relatively well known. In fact, some of them are already used for the manufacture of anticancer drugs.

Meanwhile, scientists are convinced that there are many other types of fungi that can fight these diseases. The natural chemical compounds contained in fungi "have an enormous therapeutic potential that has not yet been fully studied, even for the treatment of cancer," says Professor Vladimir Katanayev, one of the authors of the 39, study, according to the website of the University. Federal of the Far East. (Source / RT)

Published by Maite González Martínez

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