Ratify in Paraguay the immediate withdrawal of contaminated drugs


July 15, 2018, 18:57 Asuncion, July 15 (Prensa Latina) The Health Surveillance Directorate of Paraguay confirmed the immediate withdrawal of drugs with the active ingredient Valtasán, from China, following international warning of its contamination and to be carcinogenic.

The entity explained to the press that Valtasán is used in the preparation of products for high blood pressure and there are 91 affected lots in the country.

From Chinese company Zhejing Huahai, Lindai, the product will be withdrawn from the market and destroyed, following an international alert issued by the Spanish Agency of Drugs and Others international regulatory bodies, as a preventive measure and considering that this poses a health risk.

The active ingredient mentioned by the Chinese society contained impurities that could generate cancer with its intake.

According to the alert, the batches They were contaminated by an impurity generated by a change in the manufacturing process.

Valtasán is also used to reduce the risk of heart attack, as well as heart failure or heart attacks. It works as a vasodilator helping to control blood pressure.

Data from the Department of Health, indicate that the prevalence of hypertension in adults is 45 percent, an increasing trend and is the major risk factor badociated with 50% of myocardial infarction and 60% of strokes.

agp / cw

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