Scientists discover foods that lengthen life


  Scientists discover foods that prolong life. Jul, 2018.- The consumption of fish and products rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids reduces the death rate, according to a study.

According to a 16-year study of more than 240,000 men and 180,000 women, regular consumption of fish reduces the risk of death from cancer and acute respiratory illness.

In the study conducted by Chinese and American scientists and published recently in the Journal of Internal Medicine, it was observed that men who eat fish regularly are 10% less likely to suffer from vascular diseases and 37 % less chance of liver complications.

In addition, it has been shown that 38% reduce the risk of suffering Alzheimer's disease in women At the same time, experts warn that frying fish makes it lose most of its healthy properties.

Related terms s: Fish | Omega-3 | Health

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