Scientists discover the main cause of aging in women – Diario Ecologia


Having many children is accelerating the aging of cells in the female body, according to a new study by scientists at Northwestern University (Illinois, USA).

Researchers badyzed data on key markers of cellular aging – telomere length and epigenetic age – in more than 3,000 women aged 20 to 22 years and found that they appeared to be more developed in the body women with more pregnancies in her reproductive history.

In their study, scientists verified changes in cells during pregnancy related to "adaptive changes in a mother's immune system".

Each pregnancy accelerates cellular aging between 5 months and 2 years, which clearly shows that having more children, especially more than four or five, increases the risk of suffering from certain diseases and reduces life expectancy. the authors of the study.

Surprisingly, specialists revealed that the epigenetic age of women who were pregnant during the survey was lower than it should be.

In this sense, Christopher Kuzawa, author of the study, argues that "the state of pregnancy look young temporarily to a woman. "However, there is" a lasting and cumulative relationship between the number of pregnancies and a greater acceleration of biological age. "

Source: Medical Express

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